Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
ATA 421 Economic and Social History of Modern Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Modern Türkiye'nin Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarihi)
A survey of modern Turkish history with focus on economic and social factors. Particular emphasis on the economic history of the era together with social phenomena including urbanization, industrialization, agricultural transformation, the rise of mass society, and social polarization in twentieth century Turkey.
ATA 423 Intellectual History of Modern Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Modern Türkiye'nin Düşünce Tarihi)
A study of major intellectual currents and figures from the late nineteenth century to the present. Thorough analyses of conservatism, Kemalism, socialism, nationalism, and Islamism.
ATA 425 Culture and Society in Modern Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Modern Türkiye'de Kültür ve Toplum)
A survey of the cultural dynamics of Republican Turkey starting from the "cultural revolution" of the 1920s and 1930s until the present time with particular focus on the impact of culture on everyday life. Study of both elite and popular cultural attempts and achievements from a historical perspective.
ATA 427 Art and Society in Modern Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Modern Türkiye'de Sanat ve Toplum)
Analysis of the relationship between art and aesthetic and social and economic structures in modern Turkish history. Assessment of artistic production from a sociological perspective in the context of urbanization, industrialization and social change.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
ATA 429 Urban History of Modern Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Modern Türkiye'de Kentsel Tarih)
Examination of the causes and effects of urbanization in the history of modern Turkey. Conceptualization of urban growth in the context of migration, industrialization, and economic and social change.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
ATA 501 Sources, Methods and Approaches in Turkish History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye Tarihinde Kaynaklar, Yöntemler ve Yaklaşımlar)
An "aims and methods" course tailored to the needs of the Institute's chosen field, combining coverage of research principles in the social sciences and humanities in general with an introductory survey of the types and groups of materials available for, and the various overlapping or conflicting views, theories or paradigms relating to the study of the l9th and 20th century Turkish history.
ATA 502 Legal Reforms in Turkish History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye Tarihinde Hukuk Reformları)
The Classical Ottoman legal System, the Tanzimat reforms, the dichotomies and parallel Institutions of the 19th century, whether or the extent to which the Second Second Constitutional Period approximated the creation of a secular state, and the culmination of this process in the Republican 1920s and 30s. Questions of law and legality during the war years. The post-1960development and current problems of contemporary Turkish law, and of the Republic as astate of law, under the impact of three military interventions and their subsequent normalization processes.
ATA 507 Historiography (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
Fundamentals of historical theory and historical scholarship in the twentieth century. Review of the methods of major historians relevant to modern Turkish history.
ATA 508 Academic Writing for Modern History Studies – I (2+0+0) 2 ECTS 10
Çağdaş Tarih Çalışmaları için Akademik Yazı – I
Introduction to the principles and standards of graduate level academic writing for modern history studies; use of introductory texts.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
ATA 509 Academic Writing for Modern History Studies – II (2+0+0) 0 ECTS 10
Çağdaş Tarih Çalışmaları için Akademik Yazı – II
Graduate level academic writing for modern history studies; examples from Masters thesis in progress.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
ATA 510 Economic and Social History of Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye'nin Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarihi)
Changing world-contexts for the Turkish economy from the Tanzimat era to the present, and within that matrix, the unfolding connections of economic growth, structural change, income distribution, and social transformation. The emergence of new social groups and strata during the 19th and 20th centuries.
ATA 512 Topics in the Political Economy of Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye'nin Ekonomi Politiği: Konular)
The interaction between politics and economic development in contemporary Turkey. Topics to be covered may include agrarian transformation, urbanization, industrialization, the informal sector, public sector, debates and strategies on economic policy.
ATA 513 Turkish Social and Political Thought (3+0+0)3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye'de Toplumsal ve Siyasal Düşünce)
An analysis of Ottomanism, Turkism, Populism, reformist and conservative vatlieties of Islamism, radical versus gradualist forms of Westernism, and other currents or blends of thought that emerged in late Ottoman society and impacted on the making of the Republic of Turkey.
ATA 515 Economic and Social History of the Middle East since 1800(3+0+0) ECTS 6
(1800'den günümüze Orta Doğu'nun Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarihi)
A survey of European economic penetration and the varieties of local response until World War I, and of the rise of nation-states and national economies after 1918, including their implications for social change and the emergence of new social groups or strata. With particular emphasis on comparisons between the experience of Anatolia/Turkey and other parts of the region.
ATA 516 The Contemporary Turkic World (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Çağdaş Türk Dünyası)
The politics, economics, and culture of the young nation-states that have arisen in İnner Asia in the wake of the demise of Soviet power. Their search for new ideologies of legitimation, for international redefinition, and for viable strategies of development.
ATA 517 Political Modernization in Turkey : the Late Ottoman Background (3+0+0) 3 ects 6
(Türkiye'nin Siyasal Modernleşmesi: Geç Osmanlı Arkaplanı)
A comparative historical approach to: the modalities of the advent, and the concatenation of, the agendas of modernity in European and non-European societies; contexting the Turkish modern era within an overali periodization of Ottoman history; alternative paradigms for the Tanzimat era; from the Hamidian era to the Young Turks' revolution, and from the Balkan Wars through Gallipoli and the Armistice, the interplay of politics and economics, of the Great Powers and their Balkan clients, of centre and periphery, of indigenous class-formation and acculturation, of action from above and reaction from below in the course of the Ottomans' "long nineteenth century."
ATA 518 Political Modernization in Turkey : the Repubitcan Era (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye'nin Siyasal Modernleşmesi: Cumhuriyet Dönemi)
The implications of a non-colonial path of peripheralization for elite-formation and nationalist resistance patterns from the 19th into the early 20th century; elements of liberation, salvation, and domestic revolution in the post-1919 situation; the Occident and the Orient, the forerunners and the Third World trail, of the Kemalist tevolution; the interplay of localism vs. nationwide perspectives, of representation and militarization, of irregular and regular forces, and of traditional/mass vs. Westernizing/elite ideology, during the War of Independence; the economic shocks and political traumas of the transition from the "liberal" 1920s to the "statist" 30s; the stringencies of the İnönü era and the war years; the internal and external dynamics of the transition to political pluralism, and its connection with the alternation of military interventions and emergence-processes in recent Turkish history.
ATA 520 Political Economy of the Middle East and Central Asia (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Ortadoğu ile Orta Asya'nın Ekonomi Politiği)
The interaction between politics and economik processes in these two adjacent, overlapping regions. Topics to be covered may include : demographic change, urbanization, agrarian transformation, industrialization, the public sector, the political economy of oil, desertification 'and other forms of environmental desttuction, issues of water-control, post-communist options and trajectories, strategies of regional cooperation, and Turkey's economic relations with both regions.
ATA 521 Political Modernization in Turkey: The Late Ottoman Background (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye'de Siyasal Modernleşme: Geç Osmanlı Arkaplanı)
A comparative historical approach to the modalities of the advent, and the concatenation of the agendas of modernity in European and non European societies; contexting the Turkish modern era within an overall periodization of Ottoman history; alternative paradigms for the Tanzimat era, from the Hamidian era to the Young Turks' revolution, and from the Balkan Wars through Gallipoli and the Armistice, the interplay of politics and economics, of the Great Powers and their Balkan clients, of centre and periphery, of indigenous class-formation and acculturation, of action from above and reaction from below in the course of the Ottomans' "long nineteenth century".
ATA 522 Political Modernization in Turkey: the Republican Era (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye'de Siyasal Modernleşme: Cumhuriyet Dönemi)
The implications of a non-colonial path of peripherilization for elite-formation nationalist resistance patterns from the l9th into the early 20th century; elements of liberation, salvation and domestic revolution in the post-1919 situation; the Occident and the Orient, the forerunners and the Third World trail, of the Kemalist revolution; the interplay of localism vs. nationwide perspectives, of representation and militarization of irregular and regular forces, and of traditional / mass vs. Westernizing / elite ideology, during the War of Independence; the economic shocks and political traumas of the transition from the "liberal" 1920s to the "statist" 30s; the stringencies of the Inonu era and the war years; the internal and external dynamics of the transition to political pluralism, and its connection with the alternation of military interventions and emergence-processes in recent Turkish history.
ATA 523 Turkish Social and Political Thought (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye'de Toplumsal ve Siyasal Düşünce)
An analysis of Ottomanism, Turkism, Populism, reformist and conservative varieties of Islamism, radical versus gradualist forms of Westernizm, and other currents or blends of thought that emerged in the late Ottoman society and their impact on the making of the Republic of Turkey.
ATA 524 Legal Reforms in Turkish History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye Tarihinde Hukuk Reformları)
The classical Ottoman legal system, the Tanzimat reforms, the dichotomies and parallel institutions of the l9th century, whether or the extent to which the Second Constitutional Period approximated the creation of a secular state, and the culmination of this process in the Republican 1920s and 30s. Questions of law and legality during the war years. The post-1960 developments and current problems of contemporary Turkish law and of the Republic as a state of law, under the impact of three military interventions and their subsequent normalization processes.
ATA 526 History of the Balkans from the Ottoman Period to the Present (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Osmanlı'dan Günümüze Balkan Tarihi)
A survey of the history of the Balkan states and the major Balkan nationalities with special attention given to the historical origins of the contemporary developments. The Ottoman legacy, the national revolutions, the formation of the Balkan national monarchies, Balkan politics during the interwar period, the communist governments of Bulgaria, Rumenia and Albania since the end of World War II, political developments in Greece after 1945, and the Balkans in the 1990s.
ATA 527 Current Issues in the Balkans and Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Balkanlar'daki Güncel Sorunlar ve Türkiye)
Analysis of the major social, political and economic problems in the Balkans with emphasis on the role of Turkey in Balkan politics. The breakup of Yugoslavia, trends in Bosniak politics and society, ethnic Turks in Greece, the Cyprus question, ethnic Turks in Bulgaria, the Kosova crisis, Albanians and the Balkans, political developments in Macedonia; Turkey and the Balkans: new prospects.
ATA 531 Economic and Social History of Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye'nin Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarihi)
Changing world-contexts for the Turkish economy from the Tanzimat era to the present, and within that matrix, the unfolding connections of economic growth, structural change, income distribution, and social transformation. The emergence of new social groups and strata during the l9th and 20th centuries.
ATA 532 Social History of Art and Literature in the Republican Era (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Cumhuriyet Dönemi Sanat ve Edebiyatının Sosyal Tarihi)
A continuing survey of the artistic and literary reflections of social life from the War of Independence to the present, covering differing narrations of the 1920s' and 30s' drive to create a new society, instances of collective excitement and individual aloofness, voices in power and opposition, explorations of other, more radical avenues, the contradictions of industrialization and urbanization, political traumas, deepening individualization, echoes of international trends and currents, and the pros and cons of the struggle to break out of national into universal discourse.
ATA 533 Political Economy of the Middle East and Central Asia (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Orta Doğu ve Orta Asya'nın Ekonomi Politiği)
The interaction between politics and economic processes in these two adjacent, overlapping regions. Topics to be covered may include: demographic change, urbanization, agrarian transformation, industrialization, the public sector, political economy of oil, desertification and other forms of enviromental destruction, issues of water-control, post-communist options and trajectories, strategies of regional cooperation, and Turkey's economic relations with both regions.
ATA 535 Economic and Social History of the Middle East since 1800 (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(1800'den Günümüze Orta Doğu'nun Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarihi)
A survey of European economic penetration and the varieties of local response until World War I; and the rise of nation-states and national economies after 1918, including their implications for social change and the emergence of new social groups or strata. With particular emphasis on comparisons between the experience of Anatolia/Turkey and other parts of the region.
ATA 541 Social History of Late Ottoman/Turkish Art and Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Geç Dönem/Osmanlı Türk Sanat ve Edebiyatının Sosyal Tarihi)
Contradictory aspects of the l9th century advent of modernity-cum-peripharilization: the search for identity between tradition and the West, the transformation of families and life-styles, the introduction of new values through education and emulation, the rise of new professions and social types, the dichotomies created and the reactions stirred by these and other developments, and the search for solutions to deepening crisis - all as reflected in the beginning and early efflorescence of Western-style journalism, drama, poetry, memoirs, and the novel, from the first steps of the Tanzimat down to the gloom of the final, catastrophic wars of the Late Empire.
ATA 542 Social History of Art and Literature in the Republican Era (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Cumhuriyet Dönemi Sanat ve Edebiyatının Sosyal Tarihi)
A continuing survey of the artistic and literary reflections of social life from the War of Independence to the present, covering differing narrations of the 1920s' and 1930s' drive to create a new society, instances of collective excitement and individual aloofness, voices in power and opposition, explorations of other, more radical avenues, the contradictions of industralization and urbanization, political traumas, deepening individualization, echoes of international trends and currents, and the pros and cons of the struggle to break out of national into universal discourses.
ATA 543 Art, Architecture, and Urban Space in Modern Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Modern Türkiye'de Sanat, Mimarî ve Kentsel Mekân)
A survey of visual arts, architecture, and urbanism in the context of the major political, ideological, and social changes in modern Turkish history. Architectural expressions of westernization and nationalism in the late Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey. The aesthetic, ideological and professional dimensions of Republican modernism and the more recent effects of globalization, postmodernism, and Islamic identity on public space.
ATA 544 History of Modern Art/Architecture and Mass Culture (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Modern Sanat/Mimarî Tarihi ve Kitle Kültürü)
A survey of the major cultural, artistic, and architectural movements from the Industrial Revolution to the end of World War II in Europe and the United States. Key theories of modernity, modernization, and modernism, and the tension between the modernist avant-garde and nationalism. Selected events, buildings, projects, and texts to illustrate the important cultural and spatial manifestations of modern technology, industrialization, and urbanization. Discussions of parallel developments in Turkey.
ATA 545 Nationalism in Art and Architecture: Europe and Turkey, 1871-1950 (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Sanat ve Mimaride Milliyetçilik: Avrupa ve Türkiye 1871-1950)
A study of the role of art and architecture in the making of modern national identities during the disintegration of the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires. Significant theories of nationalism (Hobsbawm, Gellner, Anderson, and Smith, among others), the search for "national style" in Turkish architecture and the emergence of nationalist art historiography in modern Turkey through primary texts (Celal Esat Arseven, Ismail Hakki Baltacioglu, Oktay Aslanapa and Sedad Hakki Eldem, among others).
ATA 546 Politics of Representation: Orientalism, Colonialism, and National Identity (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Temsil Siyaseti: Oryantalizm, Sömürgecilik ve Ulusal Kimlik)
The artistic, cultural, and architectural manifestations of cross-cultural encounters between Europe and the "East" (the Middle East, Asia, and North Africa) in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Recent critical debates in postcolonial theory and cultural studies (Edward Said and his critics in particular). Discussions of exoticism, orientalist painting, travel literature, colonial architecture and urbanism, building in the post-colonial world, and the Aga Khan Awards for architecture. Related readings and visual material.
ATA 547 Women and Gender in Modern Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Modern Türkiye'de Kadın ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet)
A study of the evolution of gender identity, roles, and occupations within the context of the changing cultural, economic, political, and social environment of Republican Turkey. Various theoretical and methodological approaches to women's history and its place in the current historiography. A general overview of women's history in modern Turkey.
ATA 551 Foreign Policy of the Republic (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Cumhuriyetin Dış Politikası)
The implications of Turkey's geographical position; her relations with Great Powers in the l9th century, and the influence of these relations on Ottoman foreign policy; Ataturk's efforts to formulate a distinct Republican foreign policy in the light of past experience; Turkey and the League of Nations in the interwar era; the system of alliances established that Ataturk sought to forge in the 1920s and 30s in order to create peace zones around Turkey; the precarious and ambivalent neutrality of 1939-45; the main axes of Turkish foreign policy during the Cold War. The emerging quests and orientations of the post-cold war era.
ATA 552 History of the Balkans (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Balkan Tarihi)
A survey of the history of the Balkan states and the major Balkan nationalities with special attention given to the historical origins of the contemporary developments. The Ottoman legacy, the national revolutions, the formation of the Balkan national monarchies, Balkan politics during the interwar period, the communist governments of Bulgaria, Rumania and Albania since the end of World War II, political developments in Greece after 1945, and the Balkans in the 1990s.
ATA 553 Current Issues in the Balkans and Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Balkanlardaki Güncel Sorunlar ve Türkiye)
Analysis of the major social, political and economic problems in the Balkans with the emphasis on the role of Turkey in Balkan politics. The breakup of Yugoslavia, trends in Bosniac politics and society, ethnic Turks in Greece, the Cyprus question, ethnic Turks in Bulgaria, the Kosovo crisis, Albanians and the Balkans, political developments in Macedonia; Turkey and the Balkans: new prospects.
ATA 554 History of the Middle East (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Orta Doğu Tarihi)
Themes and problems in Middle Eastern history particularly relevant to the history of nineteenth century Ottoman Empire and Republican Turkey.
ATA 555 The Contemporary Turkic World (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Çağdaş Türk Dünyası)
The politics, economics and culture of the young nation-states that have arisen in Inner Asia in the wake of the demise of Soviet power. Their search for new ideologies of legitimization, for international redefinition, and for viable strategies of development.
ATA 556 History of Eastern Europe (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Doğu Avrupa Tarihi)
Historical survey and analysis of political, social and economic changes which shaped Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Emphasis on the interwar period (1918-1939). The legacies of the Ottoman Empire and the Habsburg Empire; the nationalist movements in Eastern Europe; the establishment of the national states; East European politics during the interwar period; land reforms; the effect of the world economic crisis; German economic expansion; the rise of the fascist and Marxist movements; failure of democracy.
ATA 557 Imperial Russia 1725-1917 (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(İmparatorluk Rusyası 1725-1917)
A historical survey of Imperial Russia from the age of Peter the Great to the end of the Romanovs. Westernization, the emancipation of the peasantry, the intellectual movements of the late 19th century, industrialization, the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917 in comparison with the Ottoman Empire.
ATA 558 19th Century Russian Intellectual History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(19. Yüzyıl Rus Entelektüel Tarihi)
In-depth investigation of the growth of the Russian Enlightenment, the Decembrists, Chaadaev, Westernizers and Slavophiles, Russian Hegelians, Belinski, Herzen, Nihilists, Lavrov, Chernyshevskii, Dobroliubov, Narodniks and finally Marxism, by using primary sources.
ATA 559 History of the Soviet Union (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Sovyetler Birliği Tarihi)
History of USSR from 1917 to its collapse in 1991. A survey Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, power contest in the 1920s, the rise of Stalinism, collectivization, the impact of World War II, the formation of a superpower during the Cold War and its collapse.
ATA 571 Guided Research in Turkish History I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9 Pass / Fail
Türkiye Tarihi Yönlendirilmiş Araştırmaları – I
Readings and research assignments on various topics in Modern Turkish History. Focus on a topic of student's special interest under the supervision of a thesis advisor.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
ATA 572 Guided Research in Turkish History II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9 Pass / Fail
Türkiye Tarihi Yönlendirilmiş Araştırmaları – II
Empirical and comparative readings and research assignments on various topics in Modern Turkish History based on students' research projects. Supervision of the progress of research projects by thesis advisors.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
ATA 574 Guided Research in World History – I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 10 Pass / Fail
Dünya Tarihi Yönlendirilmiş Araştırmaları – I
Guided readings in world history and theories. Supervised research and writing in global historical theories.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
ATA 575 Guided Research in World History – II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 10 Pass / Fail
Dünya Tarihi Yönlendirilmiş Araştırmaları – II
Continuation of research in world history and theories. Supervision of thesis and presentations. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
ATA 579 Graduate Seminar (0+1+0) 0 ECTS 10 Pass / Fail
Lisansüstü seminer
Seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and/or graduate students designed to widen students' perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
ATA 581-584 Selected Topics in Social Theory and History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Toplumsal Kuramda ve Tarihte Seçme Konular)
An interdisciplinary seminar designed to provide students with theoretical approaches to the study of history. The specific subjects treated in this seminar will vary according to student needs and instructor interest.
ATA 585-586 Selected Topics in Culture and Society in Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye'de Kültür ve Toplum Hakkında Seçme Konular)
A comprehensive analysis of cultural history in modern Turkey with focus on the impact of culture on Turkish society. Primary source readings of journals, newspapers, and monographs (in English and/or Turkish) regarding the cultural history of Turkey complemented with a general discussion on culture in recent historiographical literature.
ATA 587-588 Selected Topics in Turkish Political Thought (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türk Siyasî Düşüncesinde Seçme Konular)
A systematic and detailed analysis of Turkish political thought from the late nineteenth century to the present. The interactions between political thinkers and political leaders together with an introductory discussion on the developments in political thought elsewhere in the world.
ATA 589-590 Selected Topics in Economy and Society in Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye Ekonomisinde ve Toplumunda Seçme Konular)
A detailed discussion and analysis of the Turkish economy and society during a particular chosen period of modern Turkish history. World War I, the 1920s, the years of the Great Depression, World War II, the transitional era from 1945 to 1950, the Democrat Party years, the great economic and social transformations of the 1960s and 1970s.
ATA 591-597 Topics in the History of the Modern World (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Modern Dünya Tarihinde Seçme Konular)
Intensive readings and group discussions on selected topics in comparative world history. The specific topics treated in this course will vary according to student needs and instructor interest.
ATA 598-599 Topics in Modern European History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Modern Avrupa Tarihinde Seçme Konular)
A reading course on modern European history. The specific topics treated in this course will vary according to student needs and instructor interest.
ATA 601 War, Revolution and Society in Recent Turkish History (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Yakın Dönem Türkiye Tarihinde Savaş, Devrim ve Toplum)
New Military History type of in-depth studies concentrating from one year to the next on aspects of one or two of the following sub-fields: national revolts and Great Power interventions in the 19th century; the Young Turks and the Balkan Wars; the fronts, campaigns, and impact of Turkish involvement in World War I; the War of Independence; World War Il and Turkey.
ATA 602 The National Struggle 1919-23 (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Millî Mücadele)
In-depth studies on: the last year of World War 1, Mundros and Sèvres, occupation İstanbul, local congresses and forms of resistance, the emergence of a national leadership and organization, military fronts and campaigns, guestions of finances and supply, relations between İstanbul and Ankara, the search for a new legitimacy, opposition and struggle in the National Assembly, foreign policy and its separate settlements, and the search for a new agenda from the Great Offensive to the Declaration of the Republic.
ATA 603 Selected Periods and Problems of Post-Tanzimat Ottoman-Turkish History (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Tanzimat Sonrası Osmanlı-Türk Tarihinden Seçme Dönemler ve Problemler)
In-depth studies concentrating from one year to the next on one of the following sub-fields: the Tanzimat Era; the First Constitutional Period; the Hamidian Era; the Second Constitutional Period; Turkish politics and society under the Committee of Union and Progress.
ATA 604 Selected Periods and Problems of the
One-Party Phase of Republican History (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Cumhuriyet Tarihinin tek parti aşamasından Seçme Dönemler ve Problemler)
In-depth studies concentrating from one year to the next on one of the following sub-fields: the 1920s as a whole; the 1930s as a whole; Atatürk and his times; the İnönü era; the internal and external dynamics of the transition to political pluralism.
ATA 605 Historiography in Republican Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi'nde Tarihçilik)
A comparative and critical approach to history-writing in Republican Turkey. Forms of the subdued subsumption of nationalist perspectives in the wake of the institutional professionalization of history. Universities and the Turkish Historical Society. The arrival of social and economic history. Conceptual relations with world / universal history and the New History in Europe.
ATA 606 Selected Periods and Problems of Post-1950 Republican History (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(1950 Sonrası Cumhuriyet Tarihinden Seçme Dönemler ve Problemler)
in-depth studies concentrating from one year to the next on one of the following sub-fields: the rise and demise of the Democratic Party; the 1960 military intervention and the Justice Party in Turkish politics; the 1971 military intervention and the rise of a polarized decade; the 1980 military intervention and the Özal era; the post-Özal regroupings of the.1990s
ATA 607 Advanced Readings in Historiography (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Tarihyazımında İleri Düzeyde Okumalar)
Advanced readings in modern historical theory and historical scholarship.
Prerequisite: ATA 501.
ATA 608 Revolution in History (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Tarih İçinde Devrim Olgusu)
Comparative studies of the elite and the people, of relations between leaders, parties and the masses, of alignments, alliances and strategies, and of mobilizing ideologies and forms of organizâtion, in the Young Turks' and Kemalist revolutions on the one hand, and on the other : (a) Early Modern and Modern revolutions in Western Europe; (b) 19th century national unification processes in Central and Southern Europe; (c) İater revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Balkans; and (d) Third World revolutions outside Europe.
ATA 609 Political Parties and Institutions in Turkey (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye'de Siyasal Partiler ve Kurumlar)
In-depth studies of the evolution of selected parties, organizations or state institutions within the context of a gradually expanding pluralism, and of their developing interactions with emerging agendas of democracy and participation.
ATA 611/612 Topics in the Economic and Social History of Turkey (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye'nin Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarihinde Seçme Konular)
Studies of economic growth, structural change, and the social transformations accompanying these processes from c. 1800 to the present, with the specific topics and periods te be covered each term to be determined by the instructor.
ATA 613 Revolution in History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Tarihte Devrim Olgusu)
Comparative studies of the elite and the people, of relations between leaders, parties and the masses, of alignments, alliances and strategies, and of mobilizing ideologies and forms of organization, in the Young Turks and Kemalist revolutions on the one hand, and on the other: (a) Early modern and modern revolutions in Western Europe; (b) l9th century national unification processes in Central Southern Europe; (c) later revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Balkans; and (d) Third World revolutions outside Europe.
ATA 614 Topics in the Historical Demography of Turkey (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye'nin Tarihsel Demografisine İlişkin Seçme Konular)
Population structure and development in Republican times. The ways in which' the state, the economy, and patterns of individual! behavior were all implicated in transforming the culture of family reproduction. Changes in fertility, life expectancy, population size, and migration. With particular attention to İstanbul and regional variations.
ATA 617 Topics in the Political Economy of Turkey (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkiye'nin Ekonomi Poltiğine İlişkin Seçme Konular)
The interaction between politics and economic development in contemporary Turkey. Topics to be covered may include: agrarian transformation, commoditization and monetization, urbanization, patterns and stages of import- substituting vs. export-promoted industrialization, deficit-financed growth, the informal sector, the public sector, policy debates and strategies.
ATA 621 War, Revolution and Society in Recent Turkish History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Yakın Dönem Türkiye Tarihinde Savaş, Devrim ve Toplum)
New Military History type of in-depth studies concentrating from one year to the next on aspects of the following sub-fields: National revolts and Great Power interventions in the l9th century; the Young Turks and the Balkan Wars; the fronts, campaigns; and impact of Turkish involvement in World War I; the War of Independence; World War II and Turkey.
ATA 622 The National Struggle 1919-1923 (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Milli Mücadele 1919-1923)
In-depth studies on: the last year of World War I, Mundros and Sevres, occupations in Istanbul, local congresses and forms of resistance, the emergence of a national leadership and organization, military fronts and campaigns, questions of finances and supply, relations between Istanbul and Ankara, the search for a new legitimacy, opposition and struggle in the National Assembly, foreign policy and its separate settlements, and the search for a new agenda from the Great Offensive to the Declaration of the Republic.
ATA 623 Political Parties and Institutions in Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye'de Siyasal Partiler ve Kurumlar)
In-depth studies of the evolution of selected parties, organizations or state institutions within the context of a gradually expanding pluralism, and of their developing interactions with emerging agendas of democracy and participation.
ATA 624 Selected Topics in Balkan History and Politics (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Balkan Tarihi ve Siyaseti: Seçme Konular)
Reading and detailed analysis of selected issues in Balkan history and politics. Emphasis on class dıscussion and independent research on topics such as nationalism in the Balkans; social and economic history of the Balkans.
ATA 625 Topics in Türkish Foreign Policy (2+2+0) 3 ECS 6
(Türkiye Dış Politikasında Seçme Konular)
Annually changing focus on studies of: the Lausanne peace conference; the Mosul ptoblem; the Straits guestion; relations with individual countries in the Atatürk era; Turkey's NATO membership; the special domain of Turkish-Greek relations from the pre-Lausanne period through the Cyprus and Aegean conflicts to the present; and (other) major postwar moments or crises including Bandung, Suez, Bulgaria in the 1980s, Iran after the Khomeini revolution, Syria and Iraq since the mid-1980s, Bosnia, the post-Soviet Caucasus, and the diplomacy of oil and water.
ATA 627 Selected Political Thinkers in Turkish History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye Tarihinde Seçilmiş Politik Düşünürler)
A seminar allowing for in-depth readings on; and monographic studies of, individual intellectuals' contributions to the debates over the course of Turkish modernization from the Tanzimat to the present.
ATA 628 Historiography in Republican Turkey (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Cumhuriyet Türkiye'sinde Tarihçilik)
A comparative and critical approach to history-writing in Republican Turkey. Forms of the subdued subsumption of national/ist perspectives in the wake of the institutional professionalization of History. Universities and the Turkish Historical Society. The arrival of social and economic history. Conceptual relations with world /universal history and the New History in Europe.
ATA 631 Culture and Society in Early Republican Turkey (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Cumhuriyetin İlk Dönemlerinde Kültür ve Toplum)
Studies of nationalism and cultural change with special reference to the reform movement in the early decades of the Republic. The cultural impact of legal and institutional transformations. Women, the youth, and children in Republican discourse. Old and new in the fine arts and the performing arts. Literacy and popular culture.
ATA 632 Communications and Mass Media in Recent Turkish History (2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Yakın Dönem Türkiye Tarihinde İletişim ve Kitle İletişim Araçları)
An introductory survey of some fairly basic and general notions, including: communication and mass communication, types of mass media, socialization, political socialization, political culture, popular culture, and politics and public opinion formation; to be followed by concrete studies of all such phenomena in the Turkish context, with special emphasis on relations between the government and the opposition, and revolving around a comparative treatment of (a) the period of the media monopoly enjoyed by the TRT (1964-1991), and (b) the present market.
ATA 633 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe ((2+2+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Doğu Avrupa'da Politika ve Toplum)
Reading and detailed Analysis of selected issues in East European history and politics. Emphasis on the contemporary developments, social and economic history; developments during the Cold War and after; nationalism; the problem of democratization and stability in Eastern Europe.
ATA 641 Culture and Society in Early Republican Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Cumhuriyetin İlk Döneminde Kültür ve Toplum)
Studies of nationalism and cultural change with special reference to the reform movement in the early decades of the Republic. The cultural impact of legal and institutional transformation. Woman, youth, and child in Republican discourse. Old and new in fine arts and performing arts. Literacy and popular culture.
ATA 643 Topics in the Historical Demography of Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye'nin Tarihsel Demografisine İlişkin Seçme Konular)
Population structure and development in Republican times. The ways in which the state, the economy, and the patterns of individual behavior were all implicated in transforming the culture of family reproduction. Changes in fertility, life expectancy, population size, and migration. Comparison with particular attention to Istanbul and regional variations.
ATA 645 Communications and Mass Media in Recent Turkish History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Yakın Dönem Türkiye Tarihinde İletişim ve Kitle İletişim Araçları)
An introductory survey of some fairly basic and general notions, including: communication, types of media, socialization, political socialization, political culture, popular culture and politics and public opinion formation; to be followed by concrete studies of all such phenomena in the Turkish context, with special emphasis on relations between the government and the opposition, and revolving around a comparative treatment of (a) the period of the monopoly enjoyed by the TRT (1964-1991), and (b) the present market-oriented mass media period.
ATA 651 Topics in Turkish Foreign Policy (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye Dış Politikasında Seçme Konular)
Annually changing focus on studies of: Lausanne Peace Conference; the Mosul problem; the Straits question; relations with individual countries in the Ataturk era; Turkey's NATO membership; the special domain of Turkish-Greek relations from the pre-Lausanne period through the Cyprus and Aegean conflicts to the present; and (other) major postwar moments or crises including Bandung, Suez, Bulgaria in the 1980s; Iran after the Khomeini revolution; Syria and Iraq since the mid-1980s, Bosnia, the post-Soviet Caucasus, and the diplomacy of oil and water.
ATA 653 Selected Topics in Balkan History and Politics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Balkan Tarihi ve Siyaseti: Seçme Konular)
Reading and detailed analysis of selected issues in Balkan history and politics. Emphasis on class discussion and independent research on topics such as nationalism in the Balkans; social and economic history of the Balkans.
ATA 654 Turkey and the Middle East (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye ve Orta Doğu)
Studies of the transition from the erstwhile umbrella of the Ottoman Empire, through a series of British and French mandates, to a multiplicity of nation-states in the region, colored by shades of distrust between Turkish and Arab nationalism; the isolationist phase of Republican foreign policy visa vis the Near East; Turkish foreign policy between the United States and the Soviet Union, and between Israel and the Arab countries, from the Turco-Arab rapprochement of the 1990s to the present.
ATA 655 Politics and Society in Eastern Europe (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Doğu Avrupa'da Politika ve Toplum)
Reading and detailed analysis of selected issues in East European history and politics. Emphasis on the contemporary developments; social and economic history; developments during the Cold War and after; nationalism; the problems of democratization and stability in Eastern Europe.
ATA 661 Topics on the Late Ottoman Era (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Osmanlı Son Dönemi'nde Seçme Konular)
In-depth studies concentrating from one year to the next on one of the following subfields: the Tanzimat Era; the First Constitutional Period; the Hamidian Era; The Second Constitutional Period; Turkish politics and society under the Committee of Union and Progress.
ATA 663 Topics on the Early Republican Era (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde Seçme Konular)
In-depth studies concentrating from one year to the next on one of the following subfields: the 1920s as a whole; the 1930s as a whole; Ataturk and his times; the Inonu era; the internal and external dynamics of the transition to political pluralism.
ATA 665 Topics on the Post-1946 Era (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(1946 Sonrası Dönemde Seçme Konular)
In-depth studies concentrating from one year to the next on one of the following sub-fields: the rise and demise of the Democratic Party; the 1960 military intervention and the Justice Party in Turkish politics; the 1971 military intervention and the rise of a polarized decade; the 1980 military intervention and the Ozal era; the post-Ozal regroupings of the 1990s.
ATA 678 Guided Research in PHD (0+0+0) 0 ECTS 20 Pass / Fail
Doktorada Yönlendirilmiş Araştırmalar
Research by arrangement with members of the institute; guidance of doctoral students towards the proficiency exams and the preparation and presentation of the research proposal.
Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor
ATA 679 Directed Readings in History and Theory (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9 Pass / Fail
Tarih ve Kuram Üzerine Yönlendirilmiş Okumalar
Bibliographical research and readings on history and theory.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
ATA 681 Topics in the Economic and Social History of the Late Ottoman Era (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Son Dönem Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarihinde Seçme Konular)
Studies of economic growth, structural change, and the social transformations accompanying these processes from the c. 1800 to the present, with the specific topics and periods to be covered each term to be determined by the instructor.
ATA 682 Topics in the Economic and Social History of Republican Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Cumhuriyet Türkiye' sinin Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarihinde Seçme Konular)
The interaction between politics economic development in contemporary Turkey. Topics to be covered may include: agrarian transformation, commoditization and monetization, urbanization, patterns and stages of import-substituting vs. export-promoted industrialization, deficit-financed growth, the informal sector, public sector, policy debates and strategies.
ATA 683 Topics in the Financial History of Turkey (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Türkiye Finans Tarihinde Seçme Konular)
Studies of the evolution of institutions of private finance including banking from the Tanzimat era to the Republic; evolution of Ottoman public finance and debt management up to the end of World War I; the Republican system of public finance and public debt up to the present; evolution of the linkages to the international capital markets.
ATA 684-699 Special Topics in Modern Turkish History (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 9
(Modern Türk Tarihinde Seçme Konular)
Study of special topics in modern Turkish history.
ATA 700 Graduate Seminar (0+1+0) ECTS 9 Pass/Fail
(Lisansüstü seminer)
Seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers, and/or graduate students designed to widen students' perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor
ATA 690 M.A.Thesis ECTS 60
(Yüksek Lisans Tezi)
ATA 790 Ph.D.Thesis ECTS 120
(Doktora Tezi)
HTR 311 History of the Turkish Republic I (2+0+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi I)
A general survey of Turkish history from about the mid-19th century until World War II with a particular focus on the early Republican era. A comparative and analytical account of Westernization and Ottoman reform attempts, the struggle for constitution, the economic and social transformations, diplomacy and foreign policy, World War I, the rise of Turkish nationalism, the National Struggle, Kemalist social, economic and cultural reforms in the 1920s and 1930s with a special emphasis on the Kemalist principles.
HTR 312 History of the Turkish Republic II (2+0+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi II)
A general survey of Turkish history from the beginning of World War II until the present. A comparative and analytical account of party-politics, social movements and mobilizations; different interpretations of Kemalism, the problems of urbanization, industrialization, and immigration; cultural and ideological changes, Turkey’s foreign policy and an overall assessment of Turkey’s standing in light of national and international developments.
HTR 405 History of the Turkish Republic for Foreign Students I (2+0+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yabancı Öğrenciler için Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi I)
A general survey of Turkish history from about the mid-19th century until World War II with a particular focus on the early Republican era. A comparative and analytical account of Westernization and Ottoman reform attempts, the struggle for constitution, the economic and social transformations, diplomacy and foreign policy, World War I, the rise of Turkish nationalism, the National Struggle, Kemalist social, economic and cultural reforms in the 1920s and 1930s with special emphasis on the Kemalist principles.
(Taught in English and required of all foreign students).
HTR 406 History of the Turkish Republic for Foreign Students II (2+0+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yabancı Öğrenciler için Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi II)
A general survey of Turkish history from the beginning of World War II until the present. A comparative and analytical account of party-politics, social movements and mobilizations; different interpretations of Kemalism, the problems of urbanization, industrialization, and immigration; cultural and ideological changes, Turkey’s foreign policy and an overall assessment of Turkey’s standing in light of national and international developments.
(Taught in English and required of all foreign students).
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