Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Endüstri Mühendisliği Lisansüstü Programı
IE 501 Optimization Techniques I (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Eniyileme Teknikleri I)
Linear programming modeling; linear algebra, convex analysis, polyhedral sets; simplex method; modeling with GAMS; algorithmic complexity; the computational efficiency of the simplex method; efficient simplex implementations; duality and the sensivity analysis; decomposition principle; computational complexity; the complexity of linear programming; interior point methods; introduction to convex programming.
IE 502 Optimization Techniques II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Eniyileme Teknikleri II)
Integer programming; cutting plane, branch and bound methods; Lagrangian relaxation and subgradient optimization; optimality conditions for nonlinear programming; basic algorithms for unconstrained and constrained nonlinear programming; dynamic programming.
IE 505 Stochastic Processes and Applications (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Rassal Süreçler ve Uygulamaları)
Random variables and stochastic processes: Generating functions, Bernouilli and Branching processes, Poisson processes and applications in traffic models. Renewal and regenerative processes and applications in inventory control and reliability models. Markov chains and Markov processes with applications in queueing models. Introduction to Brownian motion with financial applications.
IE 506 Design and Analysis of Experiments (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Deney Tasarımı ve Çözümlemesi)
Design of experiments methodology; simple comparative experiments; single factor experiments; randomized blocks; Latin square designs; factorial designs; fractional factorial designs; regression models; response surface methodology; random effects models; nested and split plot designs; robust designs; mixture designs; optimal designs.
IE 508 Statistical Inference (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İstatistiksel Çıkarım)
Estimation Theory, sufficiency, maximum likelihood estimation, interval estimates, and hypothesis testing, Neyman-Pearson approach, likelihood ratio test, linear statistical models (regression and ANOVA), generalized linear models, and logistic regression. Applications in industrial engineering and operations research.
IE 510 Simulation Modeling and Analysis (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Benzetim Modelleri ve Analizi)
Simulation methodology, model formulation, systems dynamics, overview of simulation languages, generating random varieties, output data analysis, model validation, variance reduction techniques, experimental design and optimization.
IE 514 Nonlinear Programming (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Doğrusal Olmayan Programlama)
Convex analysis; necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality, methods of unconstrained optimization, necessary and sufficient conditions for constrained optimization, methods for handling equality and inequality constraints, nonlinear programming methods such as primal methods and penalty function methods.
IE 515 Graphs and Network Flows (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Çizgeler ve Serimlerde Akış)
Introduction to graph theory; graph search; data structures for graph and network flow algorithms; shortest path problems; minimum spanning tree problem; matching in bipartite graphs; maximum flow - minimum cut and minimum cost circulation problems.
IE 516 Combinatorial Optimization (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Birleşisel Eniyileme)
Introduction to combinatorial optimization; shortest path problems; minimum spanning tree problem; maximum cardinality and weight matching problems in bipartite graphs; Hungarian algorithm; maximum cardinality and weight matching problems in general graphs; Edmond's algorithm; integral polyhedra; matroids; greedy algorithm.
Prerequisite: IE 501 or equivalent.
IE 517 Heuristic Methods in Optimization (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Eniyilemede Sezgisel Yöntemler)
Introduction to heuristic methods; classical construction heuristics; classical improvement heuristics; Lagrangian relaxation, simulated annealing, tabu search. Neural networks, genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
IE 518 Advanced Graph Theory (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İleri Çizge Kuramı)
NP-completeness, polynomial time reduction, perfect graphs, weak/strong perfect graph theorem, graph classes, characterization by forbidden subgraphs, recognition problem, minimum vertex coloring, maximum independent set, minimum clique cover, maximum clique, chordal graphs, perfect elimination order, comparability graphs, partially ordered sets, Dilworth's theorem, permutation graphs, interval graphs, threshold graphs, Ramsey numbers, Ramsey's theorem for graphs.
Prerequisite: IE 456 or equivalent or consent of the instructor.
IE 520 Quality Management (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Kalite Yönetimi)
Total quality management, quality assurance programs, quality circles, modeling process quality, statistical process control, acceptance sampling plans, quality information systems, organization for quality, quality cost models, quality design, recent issues in quality management.
IE 523 Design of Production Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Üretim Sistemlerinin Tasarımı)
Continuous and discrete space facility location models, and location/allocation models. Facility layout models and solution methods. Group technology and cellular manufacturing, cell formation using clustering, mathematical programming and other methods. Design of flexible manufacturing, warehousing, distribution and logistic systems.
IE 524 Planning of Production Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Üretim Sistemlerinin Planlanması)
Overview of production systems and planning paradigms. Hierarchical planning, aggregation/disaggregation. Continuous and discrete lot-sizing models and solution methods. Distributed planning and coordination in supply chains.
IE 530 Mathematical Modeling in Industrial Engineering (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 7
(Endüstri Mühendisliğinde Matematiksel Modelleme)
In this course practical aspects, applications and implementation problems of mathematical programming models will be discussed and analyzed. In particular, linear programming, integer programming, and multiobjective programming models will be considered. For these models, application areas, underlying assumptions, special technical considerations, typical implementation problems will be investigated. Many case studies and discussion papers on the topic will be analyzed and discussed.
IE 533 Systems Theory (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Sistem Kuramı)
Conceptual foundations of systems theory. Analysis of linear continuous systems; stability, controllability, and observability; applications to physical, ecological, and socio-economic systems; feedback control systems; introduction to optimal control.
IE 542 Manufacturing Information Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İmalat Bilişim Sistemleri)
Information management for manufacturing enterprise integration with emphasis on concepts such as CIM and Concurrent Engineering, production management approaches such as MRP II, JIT and OPT, engineering functions such as CAD and CAPP, and Shop Floor Control. A development framework for an information system for Shop Floor Control: structured analysis for modelling information requirements, a reference model for system design; a review of information requirements, a reference model for system design; a review of information technology including state-of-the-art architectures and tools such as distributed systems, open systems, factory networks, communication standards, and database management systems.
IE 544 Decision Analysis (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Karar Analizi)
Bayesian decision theory; measurement theory; subjective probability. Dependency models; Bayesian networks; exact and approximate inference; computational complexity of inference. Influence diagrams; value of information; decision networks and connections to Markov decision processes. Case studies; risk sharing and decisions; implementation of decision models.
IE 546 Competitive Models in Supply Chain Management (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde Rekabetçi Modeller)
Centralized and decentralized analysis of production and distribution systems. Existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in principal agent and simultaneous move games, information asymmetry, Bayesian games, cooperative games, dynamic games. Contract design, enforceability of contracts.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
IE 548 Stochastic Models for Manufacturing Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İmalat Sistemleri için Rassal Modeller)
Essentials of queueing theory, Jackson networks, queueing networks with finite buffers. Machine failures, analysis and modelling of transfer lines, assembly/disassembly lines, quality failures. Control of production systems: Kanban, base stock, continuous work-in-process (CONWIP).
Prerequisite: IE 505 or consent of the instructor.
IE 550 Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems (2+1+1) 3 ECTS 8
(Sosyo-Ekonomik Sistemlerin Dinamiği)
Use of systems thinking and system dynamics modeling methodology in the analysis of complex, dynamic socio-economic and managerial problems. Lab experiments with simulation models of real case studies ranging from ecological to business issues, from social to agricultural problems. Basic methods and tools of dynamic feedback modeling: stock-flow and causal loop diagrams, linear and non-linear equation formulation and generic structures. Use of a modern modeling/simulation software such as STELLA, VENSIM, POWERSIM. Student term projects involving applied dynamic modeling.
IE 565 Work Performance Engineering (3+0+1) 3 ECTS 8
(İş Performansı Mühendisliği)
Physics and physiology of humans at work; biomechanical and physiological modeling, neuromuscular performance, mechanical work capacity; methods to improve work performance, health and safety, workplace and equipment design, shiftwork and rest allocation; cognitive workload, worker selection and training, controlling environmental stress; bioinstrumentation. Special emphasis given to learning about work capacity measurements, instrumentation, and laboratory experimentation.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
IE 579 Graduate Seminar (0+2+0) 0 Pass/Fail ECTS 1
(Lisansüstü Seminer)
Seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and/or graduate students designed to widen students' perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
IE 580-599 Selected Topics in Industrial Engineering (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Endüstri Mühendisliğinde Seçme Konular)
Current topics of interest in Industrial Engineering selected to suit both the class and the instructor.
IE 602 Dynamic Systems Modeling and Analysis (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Dinamik Sistem Modellemesi ve Analizi)
The philosophy and fundamental concepts of systems theory, various mathematical and quasi-mathematical techniques for dynamic feedback modeling and analysis. Notions of equilibrium, stability and major types of non-linear dynamics; shift of loop dominance, path-dependence, limit cycles, multiple periods, bifurcations. Examples from socio-economic, managerial and other living systems. Suitable simulation/modeling software, specifically for large-scale non-linear models. Student term project.
Prerequisite: IE 550 or consent of the instructor.
IE 605 Advanced Stochastic Processes (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İleri Rassal Süreçleri)
Limiting behavior and potentials of Markov chains; Markov processes and infinitesimal generators; renewal theory and regenerative processes; Markov renewal processes; Brownian motion and its sample path analysis.
Prerequisite: IE 505 or consent of the instructor.
IE 608 Mathematical Statistics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Matematiksel İstatistik)
Order statistics and related distributions; sufficiency and related theorems; point estimation, criteria for selecting estimators, methods of estimation; Neyman Pearson theory; likelihood ratio tests; Bayes and minimax procedures; sequential procedures; confidence estimation; general linear hypothesis; analysis of variance; non-parametric statistical inference.
Prerequisite: IE 508 or consent of the instructor.
IE 611 Integer Programming (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Tamsayı Programlama)
Modeling with integer variables; polyhedral combinatorics; theory of valid inequalities; disjunctive programming; duality and relaxation; linear programming relaxation; enumeration; branch-and-bound using linear programming relaxations; cutting plane algorithms; Lagrangian relaxation and duality; sub-gradient method; column generation technique; reformulation and linearization technique; lift-and-project method; problems with special structure.
Prerequisite: IE 501 or consent of the instructor.
IE 612 Dynamic Programming (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Dinamik Programlama)
Multi-stage problem solving; several state variables; recursive equations; principle of optimality; computational aspects; decomposition in dynamic programming and uncertainty; non-serial systems; dynamic programming and decision processes.
Prerequisite: IE 501 or consent of the instructor.
IE 613 Large Scale Programming (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Büyük Boyutlu Programlama)
Decomposition, partitioning and compact inverse methods to deal with large and sparse optimization. Special structures such as Leontief substitution systems, production-inventory models. Simplex method with upper bounds and generalized upper bounding. Constraint relaxation methods. Branch and bound and Bender's partitioning methods to solve mixed integer linear programs.
Prerequisite: IE 501 or consent of the instructor.
IE 621 Inventory Control Theory (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Envanter Kontrol Kuramı)
Description and characteristics of inventory models; economic order quantity and economic lot size models; multiple product and multiple location models under deterministic demand; stochastic single-item models with capacity constraints and lead-times; structure of dynamic inventory policies; multi-item stochastic demand inventory models; supply chain models and current issues in inventory planning.
Prerequisite: IE 505 or consent of the instructor.
IE 624 Scheduling and Sequencing (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Çizelgeleme ve Sıralama)
Theory and applications of analytical models used in the scheduling of operations. Topics include single and multi-machine scheduling, flow shop models, job shop models, hybrid models, assembly line balancing models. Evaluation of different scheduling rules in stochastic and dynamic production systems by means of analytical tools and simulation models.
IE 625 Queueing Theory (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Kuyruk Kuramı)
Characterization of queuing systems; birth and death processes; single server queues; transient and equilibrium behavior; busy period; multiserver queues; batch service queues; non-Markovian queues; embedded Markov chains; bounds, inequalities and approximations; optimal control of queues; queuing networks.
Prerequisite: IE 505 or consent of the instructor.
IE 628 Advanced Production Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İleri Üretim Sistemleri)
Impact of computer aided design and manufacturing on production planning; data base for manufacturing; classification and coding; manufacturing information systems; computer aided process planning; operations research models in assembly lines, automated flow lines, group technology, and flexible manufacturing systems.
IE 640 Advanced Information Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İleri Bilişim Sistemleri)
Implementation of information design concepts; management information systems; verification; auditing; checking and controlling information lost in the system; applications; case studies.
IE 642 Markovian Decision Processes (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Markov Karar Süreçleri)
Markov processes with rewards; value-iteration method for the solution of sequential decision processes; policy iteration method for the solution of sequential decision processes; Markovian decision processes with and without discounting; dynamic programming viewpoint of Markovian decision processes.
Prerequisite: IE 505 or consent of the instructor.
IE 680-689, 691-698 Special Topics in Industrial Engineering (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Endüstri Mühendisliğinde Özel Konular)
Advanced topics of interest in Industrial Engineering selected to suit both the class and the faculty.
IE 699 Guided Research (2+0+4) 4
(Yönlendirilmiş Araştırmalar)
Research in the field of Industrial Engineering, by arrangement with members of the faculty; guidance of doctoral students towards the preparation and presentation of a research proposal.
IE 700 Graduate Seminar (0+2+0) 0 ECTS 1
(Lisansüstü Seminer)
Seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students designed to widen students' perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
IE 690 M.S. Thesis (Yüksek Lisans Tezi) ECTS 30
IE 790 Ph.D. Thesis (Doktora Tezi) ECTS 30
Endüstri Mühendisliği Lisansüstü Programı dersleri dersinden özel ders almak için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
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