Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Executive MBA Yüksek Lisans Programı
ADEX 501 Financial Accounting (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Finansal Muhasebe)
Basic concepts and principles of accounting. Preparation and interpretation of principal financial statements such as financial position, financial performance, statement of changes in shareholders’ equity, cash flow statement, and disclosure integrated with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Detailed analysis of basic accounts in the Turkish system.
ADEX 502 Macroeconomics for Global Economy (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Küresel Ekonomi Açısından Makroekonomi)
Basics of monetary policy and fiscal policy. Macroeconomic models and indicators. The new global macroeconomic environment. How macroeconomics explains recurrent financial crises and new systemic risks. How globalization may change the performance of specific markets and thus the associated risks and opportunities for individuals and organizations. Development of the analytical capability and perspectives to manage a firm’s interaction with the new international environment. The basic structure of the Turkish economy and its important institutions.
ADEX 503 Corporate Finance I (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Kurumsal Finansman I)
Concept of corporation from the financial perspective and goals of financial management. Financial mathematics, valuation of bonds and common stocks. Measures and models of risk and return. Capital budgeting, cost of capital and financing decisions. Access to financial and capital markets.
ADEX 504 Corporate Finance II (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Kurumsal Finansman II)
Types of corporate financing. Models of optimal capital structure. Dividend policy, corporate risk management, corporate control and governance. Financial strategy formulation and its impact on corporate performance. The relationship between financial strategy and long-term firm value. Case studies based on the Turkish business environment.
ADEX 505 Managerial Accounting and Control (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yönetim Muhasebesi ve Kontrol)
Use of accounting information to guide operational and strategic decisions. Evaluation of the organization’s value-added activities. Direct continuous and discontinuous or discreet operational improvement efforts. Guidance for and evaluation of employees. Modern concepts of cost management and control. Strategic cost analysis. Design of management control systems. Traditional or standard cost systems for linking resource expenses to cost centers and objects. Activity-based costing for strategic decision-making. Measurement and management of firm performance. Decentralization and control of large organizations .
ADEX 506 Financial Reporting (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Finansal Raporlama)
Financial reporting according to International Financial Reporting Standards, Turkish tax legislation and Turkish capital markets regulation. Financial analysis methods including comparative and common size statements, sources and uses statements, ratio and trend analysis. Effect of accounting information on capital markets. Current issues in financial accounting: Convergence in global reporting standards (IFRS, EU directives, and US-GAAP) and the new paradigm of integrated reporting.
ADEX 507 Financial Derivatives (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Finansal Türevler)
Introduction to pricing, trading and hedging of financial derivatives such as futures, options, and swaps. Modeling of the financial markets. Concept of arbitrage. Valuation of financial derivatives, Black-Scholes model and its extensions, trading strategies, hedging techniques, volatility smiles and exotic options.
ADEX 508 Financial Risk Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Finansal Risk Yönetimi)
The foundations of modern corporate financial risk management for both financial and non-financial institutions. The analysis of market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. Measures of financial risk. Optimal hedging and insurance through financial derivatives. The benefits and costs of financial risk management. The logic behind enterprise-wide financial risk management systems and their relationship to long-term corporate strategy.
ADEX 509 Investments (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
Concepts and evidence on the management of investment portfolios. The relationship between risk and return. Concepts of efficient markets, diversification, asset allocation, portfolio optimization, mutual funds, performance evaluation. Passive trading in index funds etc. and active trading hedge funds etc. Investment strategies and long-term investing. The capital assest pricing model, single-factor models, multifactor models and arbitrage pricing theory. Portfolios of various asset classes including equities, bonds and alternative investments.
ADEX 510 Financial Markets and Investment Banking (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Finansal Piyasalar ve Yatırım Bankacılığı)
Institutions, instruments and regulation of local and global financial markets. The structure and practices of the investment banking industry. The market for mergers and acquisitions. Market making, brokerage, underwriting, public offerings, financial advisory services. Comparison of market – based and bank – based financing. Investment banking: History, regulation, governance, and new technologies.
ADEX 511 Company Valuation (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Şirket Değerlemesi)
Overview of the valuation process and selection of an appropriate valuation model for a company. Comparison of different valuation methods based on discounted cash flows, including dividend and free cash flow models. Concepts of enterprise value, residual income and internal returns. Market–based and objective–driven methods based on data from comparable companies and precedent transactions. Major challenges and limitations in valuation of private and family controlled firms.
ADEX 512 Real Estate Finance (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Gayrimenkul Finansmanı)
Examining financial and economic aspects of real estate industry. Project evaluation, land development, feasibility studies, cost estimation, regulation, financing strategies, investment decision making and real estate capital markets. Sustainable real estate development and its social, environmental and economic ramifications. Financial appeal of developing sustainable real estate projects for investors and insurers in a rapidly changing world. Ethical and legal obligations in real estate markets. Case studies from around the world and Turkey.
ADEX 513 Financial Statement Analysis (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Finansal Bilanço Analizi)
Interpretation of financial statements for credit and security analyses, lending and investment decisions, and other decisions that rely on financial data. The impact of industry characteristics on financial statement items and their correlation. Analyzing the profitability and risk of technology-intensive firms, capacity-constrained firms, service firms, banks and other financial services firms. Analyzing credit and bankruptcy risk. Financial distress predictions. Pro-forma financial statements.
ADEX 514 Financial Issues in Entrepreneurship (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Girişimlerde Finansal Konular)
Growth strategies and financial challenges in an entrepreneurial firm. Financing options such as venture capital, angel investors and private equity at each stage of an enterprise. Valuation methods for the privately owned firm. Strategic partnerships adopted by new ventures through rapid growth and harvest strategies. Financial distress at different stages of development. Real-life cases on critical aspects of a start-up. Decision-making in growth and financing strategies. Harvesting choices of a successful enterprise.
ADEX 515 Behavioral Finance (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Davranışsal Finans)
The conventional economic paradigm of rational agents in an efficient market. The use of psychology as a guide to explain the abundant empirical evidence violating the conventional wisdom. Behavioral biases and alternative preferences explaining investor behavior. Irrational trading decisions and distortions in the financial markets. Market inefficiencies. Behavioral analysis in corporate decision making. Evidence for both views in the context of capital structure, investment, dividend, and merger decisions.
ADEX 516 Fixed Income Securities (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Sabit Getirili Menkul Kıymetler)
Introduction to bonds and other debt instruments. The models and techniques required to price and analyze fixed income securities and their derivatives. The basic concepts of fixed income instruments, such as yield, duration, convexity. Pricing traditional derivatives such as swaps and bond options. Management of fixed income portfolios and hedging of associated risks. Applications on Turkish Treasury issues and corporate bonds.
ADEX 517 Corporate Governance (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Kurumsal Yönetim)
Structures for directing and controlling organizations. Rules and procedures for decision-making. Distribution of rights and responsibilities among stakeholders, including the board, managers and shareholders. Maximization of the long-term financial value of a corporation through good governance. Fair and rational management of stakeholder interests. Legal, moral and ethical issues in organizations.
ADEX 518 Commodity and Energy Markets (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Emtia ve Enerji Piyasaları)
Unique dynamics of commodities and energy products within international capital markets. Financialization of energy products and commodities. Financial instruments and their use in risk management. Sustainable energy and its impact on financial decision-making. Renewable energy and carbon finance.
ADEX 519 Insurance Markets (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Sigorta Sektörü)
General knowledge of the insurance industry: the nature of insurance, its scope and regulations. Features and primary benefits of property/casualty, life and health insurance and individual private pension plans. Claims, reinsurance, product development and profit testing, financial tables. The structure of insurance companies and their operations.
ADEX 520 Economic Crisis and Re-Structuring (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Ekonomik Krizler ve Yeniden Yapılandırma)
Reasons and consequences of economic crises. Short-termism and poor governance. The impact of crisis on financial structures and operations of firms. Preparation of corporate and financial restructuring plan. Design of appropriate strategies: Spinoffs, equity carve-outs, leveraged recapitalizations and buyouts. Troubled restructurings, private workouts, bankruptcy filings. Applications on BIST companies.
ADEX 521 Special Topics in Finance and Accounting (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Finans ve Muhasebe Alanında Özel Konular)
Guided readings in finance and accounting
ADEX 522 Marketing Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Pazarlama Yönetimi)
An exploration and application of the fundamental marketing tools. The role of marketing managers including, creating, delivering, and capturing customer value on a sustainable basis. Application of the analytical concepts and tools of marketing to such decisions as segmentation, target market selection, and competitive positioning.
ADEX 523 Marketing Strategy (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Pazarlama Stratejisi)
Role of marketing mix: product, price, promotion in line with company strategy. Marketing strategy development. The evaluation of opportunities in competitive market. Critical thinking skills in marketing. The use of key frameworks to create marketing plans.
ADEX 524 Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Etik)
The concepts, theories, and methods related to business ethics, ethical behavior in organizations, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. Local and global economic, ecological, and social issues: privacy, discrimination, harassment, whistle-blowing, bribery, trade secrets, unfair competition, unethical marketing practices, greenwashing, cyberethics, green marketing, stakeholder relationships, corporate governance, development of ethical system in an organization. Sustainable balanced interests of “people, planet, profits” and implications for managerial decision making. Analyses of real cases, interactive studies with guest speakers and practitioners, workshops and projects.
ADEX 525 Managerial Statistics (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yönetimsel İstatistik)
Basic statistical concepts and tools for business applications. Descriptive statistics and plots to summarize data. Random variables and expectations. Modeling and inference. Population and sample quantities, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and p-values. Linear regression. Use of statistical software such as Microsoft Excel.
ADEX 526 Market Research and Analytics (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Pazar Araştırması ve Analitiği)
The role of research in solving managerial problems and making better decisions; various functions under business intelligence and their interrelated nature. Analysis and transformation of data for use in strategic decision making. Development of managerial skills in planning, conducting, communicating, reporting and evaluating research projects and technical skills in analyzing data. Use of research results to understand the constantly changing business world.
ADEX 527 Global Marketing (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Küresel Pazarlama)
The global marketing environment: global markets, networks and competition. Foreign market entry strategies and internationalization. Development and implementation of global marketing programs. Development of perspectives in globalization for a sustainable world.
ADEX 528 Consumer/Shopper Behavior (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Tüketici/Alışverişçi Davranışlar)
The concepts, theories, and methods related to the behavioral sciences that analyze consumer, their search alternatives and their consumption of products and services. Factors influencing values and cultures on consumer behaviour. Impacts of groups. Value and sustainable competitive advantage creating decision making examples from profit, and not-for-profit organizations .
ADEX 529 Marketing Channel Strategies (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Pazarlama Kanal Stratejileri)
The elements and management of marketing channels. Effective and efficient design and orchestration of differentiated customer experience systems transmitting input from points of creation to points of consumption. Structured strategic framework for both initial customer experience system design and its ongoing management.
ADEX 530 Advertising and Social Media Strategy (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Reklam ve Sosyal Medya Stratejisi)
Basic components of an effective advertising campaign. Methods of planning preparing, placing and evaluating an advertising message. Advertising terminology. Current advertising issues in traditional and new media. Global advertising challenges. Stages of “traditional” advertising campaign. Target selection, consumer insight development, formulation of an effective brand position, execution, and evaluation of effectiveness. The new “non-traditional” social media-based approaches. The shifting balance between consumers, brands, and other stakeholder. New dynamics and expectations in B-to-C markets.
ADEX 531 Service Marketing (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Hizmet Pazarlaması)
The service dominant logic in marketing. The service consumption process. Service strategies for value creation and co-creation. Quality dimensions, sources and models in the service context. An integrative view of the service marketing mix management. Satisfaction, loyalty and trust in customer relationships. Service failures, service recovery and complaint management for effective customer experience enhancement.
ADEX 532 Developing New Products (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yeni Ürün Geliştirme)
Cross-functional process of developing new products (services). The key points of contact with marketing, operations, finance, organizational policy, and strategic planning. Different stages of product development, from idea generation to market testing. Idea selection and the process of making them a reality. Best-practice strategies, frameworks, conceptual tools, and types of marketing research. Application of ideas and methods in the evaluation of a specific product concept.
ADEX 533 Strategic Brand Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Stratejik Marka Yönetimi)
Important considerations in the measurement and management of brand strategies. A consumer-centric approach to identifying the ingredients for building and managing inspired brands. Analyses of theory and practice; interactive studies with guest speakers and practitioners: cases, workshops and projects.
ADEX 534 Strategy and Tactics of Pricing (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Fiyatlandırma Stratejisi ve Taktikleri)
Introduction to pricing on strategic, conceptual, and tactical levels. The interdisciplinary nature of pricing focusing on marketing, economics, and psychology. A systematic process for addressing pricing issues, problems, and opportunities in different environments. Innovative price setting mechanisms with the help of several case reviews and discussions.
ADEX 535 Trade Marketing and Sales Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Ticari Pazarlama ve Satış Yönetimi)
Basic concepts of personal selling and sales management. The link between the determinants of sales performance and the activities involved in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling a successful sales force. Key sales problems in strategy management, talent management, and customer/opportunity management. Customer partnering principles for creating and sustaining value to customers and their businesses.
ADEX 536 Special Topics in Marketing (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Pazarlamada Güncel Konular)
Contemporary topics and issues in marketing.
ADEX 537 Strategic Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Stratejik Yönetim)
The success of the total enterprise from the perspective of senior management. The issues involved in the management. The determination of competition in a given business landscape, as well as exploring options to shape that landscape. The understanding of complex business situations characterized by uncertainty. The formulation of effective strategies and its implementation. Case studies of the strategy business formulation in a challenging business landscape
ADEX 538 Managing Organizations (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Örgütlerin Yönetimi)
Examination of organizational structure, design, culture, power, and politics in order to understand organizational effectiveness. Innovation, and managing change. An interdisciplinary approach to the examination of the fundamental concepts underlying human behavior in organizations at multiple levels – the individual, group, inter-group, and organizational.
ADEX 539 Globalization and Internationalization (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Küreselleşme ve Uluslararasılaşma)
The nature of international business and contemporary political economy. Cultural, political, and economic contexts facing the business environment. The functioning of the international system: international trade, the changing position of the state, foreign investment, TNC. Functional management, corporate policy and strategy in international organizations. Turkish economy in an international perspective.
ADEX 540 Leadership (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
Introduction to leadership and its core components. Review of main leadership styles. Discussion of leader-follower relations with a situational and cultural perspective. Analysis of outstanding leadership attributes of historical and current leaders. Building leadership skills through selfawareness and self-development. Case studies of outstanding leaders.
ADEX 541 Strategic Service Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Stratejik Hizmet Yönetimi)
The service as an eco-system. Service orientation throughout the organization. Development and maintenance of a service culture. Strategies for developing and sustaining relationships. Strategies and processes that improve service management and encounters via design, innovation, quality, capability enhancement; integration of service quality with human factors.
ADEX 542 Management Consulting (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yönetim Danışmanlığı)
Consulting as a practice within organizations and between organizations. Consulting as a managerial skill. Fundamental models in consulting and essential components of the consulting engagement. Consultancy process and major practice areas including strategy, finance, marketing and operations. Contemporary challenges in consulting in the global changing world. Best practices in management consulting.
ADEX 543 Special Topics in Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yönetimde Özel Konular)
Recent management developments in different economic cycles as practiced in the developed world. Studies on current topics and trends in theory and practice.
ADEX 544 Talent Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yetenek Yönetimi)
Managing talent of oneself and of others. Devising a talent management strategy. Planning and execution for successful talent. The creation of a positive climate for teams, managers and individuals. The modelling of best practices. Development of managerial skills in selecting, training and rewarding both current and future talent. The best cases in talent management.
ADEX 545 Leading Change (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Değişime Liderlik Etmek)
The understanding of the dynamics of change. The strategic importance of leading change. The frameworks for organizational change. Leaders and managers as change agents. The context and main actors in the change process. Major phases of change management. Practical skills to design, implement and evaluate effective change. The cases of successful change initiatives
ADEX 546 Strategic Management of Innovation (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Stratejik İnovasyon Yönetimi)
Strategic perspective on generating and managing innovation. Sustaining vs disruptive innovation. Induced and autonomous process. S-curve models for technological innovations. Role of innnovation in organizational adaptation. Corporate R&D and interfaces to new product development; open innovation and absorptive capacity.
ADEX 547 Special Topics in Organization and Strategy (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Organizasyon ve Strateji Alanında Özel Konular)
Contemporary topics and issues in organization and strategy
ADEX 549 Operations Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Operasyon Yönetimi)
Translation of product and service requirements into facilities, procedures, and operating organizations. Product design, production alternatives, facilities location and layout, capacity planning, resource requirements planning, inventory control and quality control.
ADEX 550 Supply Chain Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi)
Reasons of demand and supply uncertainties and fluctuations in supply chains. Supply chain strategies to cope with uncertainties. The bullwhip effect and methods for coping with the bullwhip. Demand aggregation across locations and risk pooling. Value of information across the supply chain. Centralized vs. decentralized supply chain management.
ADEX 551 Logistics Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Lojistik Yönetimi)
Logistics modeling and strategy, design of distribution channels, logistics technology, global logistics issues, integrated supply-chain management and inventory management.
ADEX 552 Demand Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Talep Yönetimi)
Overview of the modules of demand management systems: Demand forecasting system, customer order entry systems, order confirmation systems, shipment systems, and production planning systems. Pyramid forecasting in the supply chain. Overview of quantitative, subjective and hybrid demand forecasting methods. Cost of demand forecast error measures in merchandising and procurement.
ADEX 553 Forecasting for Planners (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Planlamacılar için Öngörü)
Differences between forecasts, causal explanations, targets and plans. Forecasting in production, finance, accounting and marketing. New product demand forecasting. Low-volume demand forecasting. Time-series forecasting for high-volume products. Demand forecasting for discontinued products. Overview of forecasting software. Experimental design for forecasting method selection. Combinations of forecasts.
ADEX 554 Univariate & multivariate time-series forecasting (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Tek ve çok değişkenli zaman serisi öngörüleri)
Time-series forecasting. Empirical evidence. Forecasting competitions. A quantitative overview of time-series forecasting methods. Components of time-series data. Decomposition of time-series. Random walk models. (Weighted) moving average models. Time-series regression and GARCH models. Exponential smoothing models. ARIMA and SARIMA models. Intervention analysis, identification of pulses and outliers. Multivariate methods: OLS, GLS, ERLS, Logit, Probit, MARIMA and State Space.
ADEX 555 Production Planning in Services and Manufacturing (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Hizmet ve Sanayi Sektörlerinde Üretim Planlaması)
Hierarchical production planning in service and manufacturing sectors. Aggregation methods, aggregate production and capacity planning. Sales and operations planning (SOP). Disaggregation. Master production scheduling. Rough-cut capacity planning. Final production/assembly schedules. Material requirements planning and capacity requirements planning.
ADEX 556 Project Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Proje Yönetimi)
Concepts and solutions that support the planning, scheduling, controlling, resource allocation, and performance measurement activities required for successful completion of a project under uncertainty.
ADEX 557 Digital Strategy (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Dijital Stratejisi)
Role of information systems in creating competitive advantage and new business models. Enabling role of information technology in transforming industries and organizations. IS/IT strategy, governance and business value. Use of information systems to create adaptive and digital organizations through increased competitive intelligence, stakeholder communications, and innovative capabilities
ADEX 559 E-commerce Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(E-Ticaret Yönetimi)
The unique attributes of e-commerce; management in the network economy; the role of e-commerce in creating value through networks and coopetition. Introduction to the concepts, models, tools, and the practices of business transformation.
ADEX 560 Entrepreneurship for Managers (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yöneticiler için Girişimcilik)
Innovative, strategic, administrative, managerial and financial aspects of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial processes, opportunity recognition, preparation of business plans, forms of financing and venture capital. Management of a growing enterprise.
ADEX 561 Corporate Entrepreneurship (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Kurumsal Girişimcilik)
Entrepreneurial behaviour in established organizations. Organizational design challenges and options for new corporate ventures. Incentive systems and corporate culture to enable and stimulate entrepreneurial behavior. Corporate venture capital.
ADEX 562 Lean Startups (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yalın Girişimler)
Lean startup management practices for testing and validating hypotheses. Integration of marketing and engineering functions. Challenges before and after product-market fit.
ADEX 563 Design Thinking and Innovation (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Tasarımcı Düşünme ve İnovasyon)
Disciplined and structured approach to innovation. Various innovation methods, types, requirements and barriers. Introduction to Design Thinking. Identification of needs, observation, problem definition, ideation, prototyping and testing.
ADEX 564 Social Entrepreneurship (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Sosyal Girişimcilik)
A conceptual framework and field experience on social entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and social change. Interdisciplinary studies and applications related to social entrepreneurship. The examples of innovative solutions that drive social change in the business, not-for-profit organizations and public sector Business methods and strategies addressing social and environmental challenges in “sustainable and profitable ways”. Scaling of social impact, and social performance measurement. Social intrapreneurship. The characteristics of successful social enterprises and of entrepreneurs
ADEX 565 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Alanında Özel Konular)
Contemporary topics and issues in entrepreneurship and innovation.
ADEX 566 Corporate Sustainability Strategy (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Stratejis)
Corporate sustainability from the perspective of large, multinational corporations. The use of management tools to drive sustainability at all levels of the company. Environmental stewardship, social well-being, and economic prosperity. Case studies of corporate sustainability, stakeholder engagement, sustainability reporting and perspective of investment community
ADEX 567 Environmental Law and Sustainability (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Çevre Hukuku ve Sürdürülebilirlik)
Major environmental statutes and regulatory framework relevant to environmental protection in Turkey and EU. Envoirenmantal law and its effects on healthy and sustainable human societies, the inherent value of nature and of people. Environmental law and economic stability.
ADEX 568 Fundamentals of Organizational Sustainability (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Organizasyonel Sürdürülebilirliğin Temelleri)
Global environmentalism. Societal expectations and business responses. Corporate, social, and environmental responsibility. The global challenges as a planet and society and the role of the business. Business sustainability, including systems thinking, complexity and resilience. Corporate responsibility, materials and energy flows and transformations. Economic and market mechanisms.
ADEX 569 Energy and Carbon in the New Economy (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yeni Ekonomide Enerji ve Karbon)
The energy market and policy, its strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities present in the Turkish Market. Traditional and emerging alternative sources of energy; energy efficiency as a major strategy policy of the Turkish government. GHG emissions; how to calculate them and publicly reporting them to identify sources of emission and to reduce them.
ADEX 570 Sustainable Operations (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Sürdürülebilir Faaliyetler)
Costs, benefits and risks associated with sustainable operations strategies. Environmental and social challenges. Real world examples and cases illustrating sustainable business strategies. Quantitative operations models and techniques to analyze and evaluate the viability of sustainable opportunities.
ADEX 571 Special Topics in Sustainability and Business (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Sürdürülebilirlik ve Yönetim Alanında Özel Konular)
Contemporary topics and issues in sustainability and business.
ADEX 572 Managerial Decision Modeling (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Yönetimsel Karar Modellemeleri)
Basic skills in quantitative modeling. Managerial decision models to complex business problems. The uses of analytical techniques including optimization, Monte Carlo simulation, and decision trees via Excel commands, tools and add-ins. Analyses of business problems in operations, finance and marketing as illustrative examples and their economic interpretation.
ADEX 573 Data Science for Business (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(İşletmeciler için Veri Bilimi)
Introduction to various techniques to extract useful information from the large volumes of company data. Data mining as a concept . Relation of data mining techniques to specific business analytics situations. Classification and prediction. Association rules and clustering.
ADEX 574 Business Intelligence from Big Data (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Büyük Veriye Dayalı İş Zekası)
Analysis of real-world situations on which large-scale data analysis may create significant competitive advantage. Use of data and potential pitfalls. The use of software such as R and SQL to create knowledge for decision making. Fundamentals of statistical modeling, machine learning, and data-driven decision making. Application of these topics on current business problems with mathematical notation, algebra, calculus, probability, and basic statistics.
ADEX 575 Turkish Commercial and Securities Law (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
Introduction to Turkish financial markets, institutions and instruments. Concept of partnership and corporation as business forms. Different types of financial contracts and securities. Ownership and size structure of companies. General legal structure of trade and commerce. Regulatory structure in Turkey. Introductions to Intellectual Property Law, Competition Law, Commercial Law, Banking Law, Capital Markets Law, Technology Law and regulatory agreements as well.
ADEX 576 International Business Law and Regulation (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Uluslararası Ticaret Hukuku ve Düzenlemeler)
International financial market and its regulation. International regulatory and standard-setting bodies such as WTO, IMF, ESMA, FSB, Basel Committee, IOSCO. Financial regulation within the frame of EU Law.International disputes, resolution mechanisms and arbitrage. Bilateral and multilateral agreements. International Technology and Intellectual Property Law and regulation. Involvement of Turkey in international and intraregional organizations. Regulations with respect to global financial crises. The future of financial regulations.
ADEX 580 Orientation (0+3+0) 0 ECTS 3
Boğaziçi University environment and legacy. University policies and procedures, library and IT systems; Meeting with faculty members and Alumni. Team building activities, and executive coaching sessions.
ADEX 585 Special Topics on Global Executive Environment (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Küresel Yönetsel Ortamda Özel Konular)
Global awareness and perspective. The complement of the classroom experience with the engagement with global leaders, managers, academicians and government officials. Site-visits to universities, business, and governmental offices. Comparison of local solutions to Global challenges.
ADEX 589 Special Topics in Law (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Hukuk Alanında Özel Konular)
Contemporary topics and issues in law.
ADEX 590 Special Topics in Data Management (2+2+0) 2 ECTS 3
(Veri Yönetimi Alanında Özel Konular)
Contemporary topics and issues in data management
ADEX 591 Business Case Writing Seminar (0+2+0) 0 ECTS 3
(İş Vakası Yazma Semineri)
Term projects and writing assignments on current trends and issues in business administration. Supervised case studies on topics of student’s special interest
ADEX 592 Directed Readings I (1+3+0) 1 ECTS 3
(Rehberli Okumalar I)
Guided readings and term project on various topics in business administration. Supervised research on topics of special interest to the individual student.
ADEX 593 Directed Readings II (1+3+0) 1 ECTS 3
(Rehberli Okumalar II)
Guided readings and term project on various topics in business administration. Supervised research on topics of special interest to the individual student.
ADEX 594 Directed Readings III (1+3+0) 1 ECTS 3
(Rehberli Okumalar III)
Guided readings and term project on various topics in business administration. Supervised research on topics of special interest to the individual student.
ADEX 595 Directed Readings IV (1+3+0) 1 ECTS 3
(Rehberli Okumalar IV)
Guided readings and term project on various topics in business administration. Supervised research on topics of special interest to the individual student.
ADEX 596 Term Project I (0+2+0) 0 ECTS 3
(Dönem Projesi I)
Directed review of literature and research problem formulation. Term paper on a related topic with the approval of the adviso
ADEX 597 Term Project II (0+2+0) 0 ECTS 3
(Dönem Projesi II)
Guided review of literature and problem formulation on a related topic for term paper with the approval of the advisor.
ADEX 598 Term Project III (0+2+0) 0 ECTS 3
(Dönem Projesi III)
Guided review of literature and problem formulation on a related topic for term paper with the approval of the advisor.
ADEX 599 Term Project IV (0+2+0) 0 ECTS 3
(Dönem Projesi IV)
Guided review of literature and problem formulation on a related topic for term paper with the approval of the advisor
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