Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Lisansüstü
SCED 510 Educational Imperatives of Science/Mathematics in Social Context (3+0+0) 3
(Fen/Matematik Egitiminin Toplumsal Boyutu)
The impact of knowledge explosion; curriculum development as a contraction of knowledge; economics of science and math education; scientific literacy and science for all; science and technology in everyday life and in immediate environment; affordable science programs for the layman.
SCED 511 Instructional Science for Science/Mathematics Instruction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Fen/Matematik Öğretimi İçin Öğretim Bilimi)
The nature of theory in sciences; the need for a theory of instruction, criteria for a formal theory; philosophical foundations of developmental, instrumental and cognitive theories and their practical applications in science/mathematics education; specific techniques for developing science and math concepts; domain-specific and general problem solving skills at secondary level; development of educational materials and modules.
SCED 522 International Perspectives in Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen/Matematik Eğitimine Uluslararası Yaklaşımlar)
Critical review of the secondary school science/mathematics curricula in developed and in developing countries; analysis of social change and its impact on education in general and on science education in particular. In depth case studies of the science, math and technology curricula in the European Union, North America, Japan, Israel, Ghana, India etc.
SCED 524 Individually Prescribed Science/Mathematics Instruction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Bireyselleştirilmiş Fen/Matematik Eğitimi)
Mainstreaming students with special educational needs in science and mathematics, dealing with under achievement in science-shys; environmental enhancement for science-prones, nurturing creativity and high achievement, audio-visual-tutorial courseware, single subject assessment research and case study.
SCED 531 World Agenda in Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Dünya Gündemi)
Universal framework of science/mathematics curricula for every citizen of the world; current trends and recent progress in science/mathematics curricula all around the world; projects and innovations by UNESCO, ICASE, IOSTE, WOCATE and other steering organizations.
SCED 532 Science/Mathematics Education in the Information Society (3+0+0) 3
(Bilgi Toplumunda Fen/Matematik Eğitimi)
Creative curriculum design as a response to the possible technical developments such as controlled nuclear fusion, gravity control, manned landing on planets, superperformance structural materials, weather control, matter transmission, three dimensional interactive TV, automated information exchange, artificial vision and hearing, organic computers, artificial enhancement of intelligence etc.
SCED 540 Improvement of Mental Skills in Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Bilişsel Süreç Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesi)
Content analysis of mental constructs; mind and brain; the biological basis of learning and individuality; development of procedures and practices necessary to implement various modes of thinking and cognitive styles.
SCED 541 Measurement of Constructs Relevant to Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen/Matematik Eğitimine Özgü Yapıların Ölçümü)
Measurement of aptitudes, abilities, attitudes and mental skills relevant to science/mathematics education; assessment devices for interest, achievement and creativity in science/mathematics courses; norm referenced and criterion referenced evaluation methodologies; multi-stage evaluation.
SCED 544 Science/Mathematics Curriculum Development Study (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Program Geliştirme)
Assessment of educational needs; parameters and constraints in curricula; design and development of taxonomies; work space, equipment and tool design; materials, equipment, facilities, personnel, time and cost in curriculum.
SCED 551 Media and Methods in Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Ortam ve Yöntemler)
Perception and communication; behaviorist and cognitive approaches to learning; expository, discovery and inquiry strategies in courseware; interactive learning environments; computer-human interface; distance education; hypertext and hypermedia; simulators for skill development; virtual reality and cyberspace; design and development of audio-visual learning resources.
SCED 552 Validation and Implementation of Science/Mathematics Courseware (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen/Matematik Öğretim Yazılımlarının Geçerlenmesi ve Uygulanması)
Philosophical (axiological, ontological and epistemological), psychological (motivational, cognitive and affective), sociological (nomothetic and idiosyncratic), economical analysis of components which constitute science/mathematics curriculum; approval of innovations; teacher training; setting stage for diffusing curriculum change; termination of curricula.
SCED 570 Research in Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Araştırma)
Experimental, correlational, ex-post facto designs, case studies, surveys; researcg ethics, developing data collection instruments; using relevant parametric and non-parametric techniques to analyze data; interpretation of results and writing reports.
SCED 571 Quantitative Methods in Experimental Research (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Deneysel Araştırmada Sayısal Yöntemler)
Critical review of classical test theory; assessment of reliability and validity; experimental and quasi-experimental research designs; statistical inference by parametric and non-parametric techniques; computer applications of ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA and factor analysis.
SCED 572 Readings on Recent Research in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Güncel Araştırma Okumaları)
Selecting recent research articles from distinguished journals related to students’ research interests in science and mathematics education; reading and discussing these published research studies; writing and presenting a literature review report.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
SCED 574 Test Construction in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Test Geliştirme)
Operational definitions of alterable and stable student characteristics and teacher qualifications relevant to science and mathematics education; constitutive descriptions of structural and dynamic attributes of instructional systems; selection, development, and analysis of various types of items using qualitative methods; assessment and improvement of validity and reliability of instruments using quantitative methods; triangulation of methods, data, researcher and theory.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
SCED 576 Qualitative Research Designs in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Nitel Araştırma Tasarımları)
Reading and discussing qualitative research designs in science and mathematics education; analyzing the criteria for rigorous qualitative research; comparing and contrasting selected research designs in terms of purpose and method; writing and presenting a critique of reviewed studies conducted by using different qualitative designs.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
SCED 579 Graduate Seminar in Science/Mathematics Education (0+1+0) 0 Pass/Fail ECTS 3
(Yüksek Lisans Semineri)
Seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and/or graduate students designed to widen students' perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
SCED 580-589, 591-598 Special Topics in Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Özel Konular)
Directed readings and study aiming at producing a substantial project on a specific area of interest.
SCED 599 Guided Research I (0+4+0) 0 Pass/Fail ECTS 8
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar I )
Research in the field of Science/Mathematics Education, supervised by faculty.
SCED 59A Guided Research II (0+4+0) 0 Pass/Fail ECTS 8
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar II)
Research in the field of Science/Mathematics Education, supervised by faculty.
SCED 601 Science/Mathematics Education in Social Context (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Bilim, Toplum ve Fen/Matematik Eğitimi)
Impact of science and technology on the quality of lives of individuals and society. Economical and epistemological imperatives for scientific literacy. Life-long learning in science to prosper and to make informed decisions about the interrelated scientific, social, and educational issues. The practice in creative contraction of expanding knowledge into viable curricular units .
SCED 610 Epistemology and Learning in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Epistemoloji ve Öğrenme)
Forms of knowledge and nature of knowledge, knowing, and learning. Review of personal and scientific epistemology in relation to personal and community knowledge construction.
SCED 611 Quantitative Research in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Nicel Araştırma)
Advanced statistical methods for educational research, general linear models, regression, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Application of statistical methods and evaluation of quantitative studies.
SCED 612 Qualitative Research in Science and Mathematics Education I (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Nitel Araştırma I)
Theoretical assumptions underlying qualitative research and review of selected designs; evaluation of research studies in science and mathematics education; principles of planning and conducting a qualitative research study.
SCED 613 Applied Regression and Data Analysis (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Uygulamalı Regresyon ve Veri Analizi)
Use of transformations in regression analysis, building and comparing taxonomies of regression models, general linear hypothesis testing, an introduction to multilevel modeling, nonlinear regression analysis, binomial logistic regression analysis, principal components analysis, cluster analysis, an introduction to discrete time survival analysis, and others. Conceptual explanations of statistical techniques.
SCED 614 Qualitative Research in Science and Mathematics Science Education II (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Nitel Araştırma II)
Selection of a particular qualitative research method in science and mathematics education; plan and conduct of a qualitative study and qualitative data analysis; principles for reporting and disseminating the results of a study in public arena.
SCED 616 Design Research in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Tasarım Araştırmaları)
Characteristics and the principles of design research in science and mathematics education; design research project preparation in science and mathematics education; data analysis in design research; principles for reporting and disseminating the results of a study in public arena.
SCED 621 Material Design in Science/Mathematics Education (2+0+4) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Materyal Tasarımı)
Development of authentic and simulated learning materials, teachings aids and assessment tools for a variety of settings and educational media. Design, application and evaluation of materials to improve basic skills in science/mathematics.
SCED 622 Learning and Teaching Processes in Science/Mathematics Education (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Öğrenme ve Öğretim Süreçleri)
Models of science/mathematics teaching and learning. Teaching methods and strategies that invest on cumulative, constructive, self-regulated and situated attributes of learning science/mathematics. Meaningful learning and problem solving in science/mathematics. Strategies for constructing and organizing knowledge. Recent findings on mind and brain research.
SCED 624 Multivariate Research in Science/Mathematics Education (2+0+4) 4
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Çok Değişkenli Araştırma)
Measurements in school and in nonschool settings. General design classifications. Complex independent group designs. Practical work in mixed factorial designs, multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) etc. Practical and ethical issues in the research process. Techniques of writing research reports and dissertations.
SCED 626 Mixed Methods in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Karma Metotlar)
Nature and foundation of mixed methods research. Steps in designing a mixed method study. Characteristics of major mixed methods research designs. Research questions in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method research. Data collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting using a mixed methods design.
SCED 628 Meta-analytic Methods (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Meta-analiz Metotları)
Introduction to meta-analysis. Research questions in meta-analysis. Inclusion and exclusion criteria. Coding studies. Effect size computation and comparison. Reporting meta-analytic results.
SCED 630 Fostering Creativity in Science/Mathematics Instruction (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen/Matematik Öğretiminde Yaratıcılığın Geliştirilmesi)
The characteristics of creativity and divergent thinking. Metaphors in creative scientific thought. Mental processes in scientific creativity exercises. Exercises in creative writing, problem finding, problem solving and creative drama. Research on developing of giftedness and talent.
SCED 631 Applied Studies in Program Design (2+0+4) 4
(Program Tasarımında Uygulamalı Çalışmalar)
Instructional design and applications in science/mathematics education. Construction of instructional kits for future use in formal or nonformal environments. Development of teaching strategies.
SCED 634 Developing Object Oriented Courseware in Science/Mathematics (2+0+4) 4
(Fen/Matematikte Nesne Yönelimli Ders Yazılımı Geliştirme)
Principles of designing and developing educational programs with object oriented programming languages. Understanding the concepts and principles of authoring languages, and their applications in the internet as well as in other instructional environments.
SCED 636 Visualizations in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Görselleştirme)
Theories of visualization. Principles of visualization in science and mathematics education. Integration and evaluation of visualization tools in teaching and learning.
SCED 638 Theoretical Perspectives in Science and Mathematics Education (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Teoriler)
Different theoretical perspectives including cognitive and socio-cultural theories on learning and teaching in science and mathematics education; the need for, the meaning and the role of theory in science and mathematics education research; the relationship among theory, theoretical and conceptual frameworks.
SCED 640 Human-Technology Interaction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(İnsan-Teknoloji Etkileşimi)
Teaching and learning experiences of technology and computer usage. Interdisciplinary approach to system design and evaluation. Ergonomic principles, current viewpoints and activities in the field of human-technology interaction. Trends in next-generation system design.
SCED 641 Teaching Science for Conceptual Change (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen Öğretiminde Kavramsal Değişim)
Theories involving conceptual change learning and multimedia learning. Examination of science teaching approaches for promoting conceptual change through multiple representations. Methods of assessing students' conceptual development as they engaged in conceptual change learning.
SCED 644 Methods And Media in Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Yöntem ve Donanımlar)
Developing a vision for schools of the 21st century. Characteristics and integration of different mainstream methods and media for learning and skill development. Evaluation of the effectiveness of different methods and media in science and mathematics education.
SCED 646 Comparative Studies in Science and Mathematics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Karşılaştırmalı Çalışmalar)
National and international perspectives on research in science and mathematics education , examining underpinnings, results and influence of international comparative studies in science and mathematics education.
SCED 651 Project Management in Science/Mathematics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Proje Yönetimi)
Research or science outreach project proposal development, implementation, and dissemination. Principles of project management. The role of project coordinators, researchers, funding agencies, timing, and budgeting.
SCED 652 Teacher Education in Science and Mathematics (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen ve Matematik Eğitiminde Öğretmen Eğitimi)
Teacher education in science and mathematics education as a research field in national and international context, teacher identity, knowledge, belief, preservice teacher education, professional development and in-service teacher training.
SCED 653 Mathematics Teacher Learning (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Matematik Öğretmen Öğrenimi)
Mathematics teachers’ learning in preservice and in-service settings; teacher education programs and professional development approaches in mathematics education.
SCED 660 Analysis and Design of Interactive Environments (2+0+2) 3
(Ağ Tabanlı Etkileşimli Ortamların Analiz ve Tasarımı)
Fundamentals and architecture of computer networks in instructional institutions. Electronic mail, computer conferencing, distance education and their applications in science/mathematics education. Procedures of web-based learning environments. Creating an online interaction environment to communicate, deliver and manage instructional information. Establishing knowledge communication platforms through portals, web sites and intranets. Design and use of online tools to support learning in sciences/mathematics.
SCED 662 Fundamental Research in Mathematics Education I (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Matematik Eğitiminde Temel Araştırmalar I)
Review of current research in mathematics education on the students’ and/or prospective and in-service teachers understanding of the fundamental key mathematical ideas in Grades K-8; examination of plan, conduct and analysis of research on selected fundamental key mathematical ideas in Grades K-8 in mathematics education.
SCED 663- Fundamental Research in Mathematics Education II (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Matematik Eğitiminde Temel Araştırmalar II)
Review of current research in mathematics education on the students’ and/or prospective and in-service teachers understanding of the fundamental key mathematical ideas in Grades 9-16; examination of plan, conduct and analysis of research on selected fundamental key mathematical ideas in Grades 9-16.
SCED 664 - Fundamental Research in Physics Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fizik Eğitiminde Temel Araştırmalar)
Current research in physics education. Research-based teaching strategies. Students’ difficulties and intuitive resources in physics. Teaching and research tools developed by the leading physics education research groups. Planning, conducting and analysis processes of current research on selected fundamental concepts in physics education.
SCED 666 Fundamental Research in Chemistry Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Kimya Eğitiminde Temel Araştırmalar)
Examination of current research on the students’ understanding of the fundamental chemistry concepts in various age groups, and planning a research study on students’ understanding of a particular chemistry topic.
SCED 668 Fundamental Research in Science Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen Eğitiminde Temel Araştırmalar)
Current research in science education; research-based curriculum and materials, teaching approaches, research approaches and tools developed by the leading science education research groups.
SCED 670 E-Learning in Science/Mathematics Education (2+0+2) 3
(Fen/Matematik Öğretiminde E-öğrenme)
Issues related to e-learning in science/mathematics education. Market demand and educational supply for e-learning. Integration and differentiation of formal and non-formal aspects of e-learning. Process control and quality assurance in e-learning practices. Exercises in refinement of content and methodology to promote e-learning in science/mathematics education.
SCED 680-689, 691-698 Special Topics in Science/Mathematics Education (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Fen/Matematik Eğitiminde Özel Konular)
Advanced study of special subjects in Science/Mathematics education.
SCED 699 (Guided Research I) (2+0+4) 4 ECTS 8
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar )
Research in the field of Science/Mathematics Education, supervised by faculty; preparation and presentation of a research proposal.
SCED 69A Guided Research II (0+4+0) 0 Pass/Fail ECTS 8
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar II )
Continued research in the field of Science/Mathematics Education, supervised by faculty; preparation and presentation of a research proposal.
SCED 69B Guided Research III (0+4+0) 0 Pass/Fail ECTS 8
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar III )
Continued research in the field of Science/Mathematics Education, supervised by faculty; preparation and presentation of a research proposal.
SCED 69C Guided Research in IV (0+4+0) 0 Pass/Fail ECTS 8
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar IV )
Continued research in the field of Science/Mathematics Education, supervised by faculty; preparation and presentation of a research proposal.
SCED 69D Guided Research V (0+4+0) 0 Pass/Fail ECTS 8
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar V)
Continued research in the field of Science/Mathematics Education supervised by faculty; preparation and presentation of a research proposal.
SCED 690 Master's Thesis in Secondary School Science and Mathematics Education
(Ortaöğretim Fen ve Matematik Alanları Eğitimi Yüksek Lisans Tezi) ECTS 30
SCED 700 Graduate Seminar (0+1+0) 0
(Lisansüstü Seminer)
Seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students designed to widen students' perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi dersleri dersinden özel ders almak için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
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