Mekatronik Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans dersleri

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi


Mekatronik Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Programı

Genel Bilgiler

MECA 410 Mechanics and Strength of Materials (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mekanik ve Mukavemet)

Principles of equilibrium, analysis of force systems, friction. Kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, energy and momentum methods. Stress and strain, elastic behavior of simple members under axial force, bending and torsion, deflection of beams, material properties.

MECA 420 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Elektrik Mühendisliğine Giriş)

Analysis of resistive circuits. Network theorems. Operational amplifiers. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Measurement techniques and error analysis. Analysis of electrical circuits in the frequency domain. Solution of linear time-invariant circuits using Laplace Transform.

MECA 430 Computer Organization and Programming (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Bilgisayar Organizasyonu ve Programlama )

Overview of computer systems. Elements of microcontrollers, architecture and hardware components. Programming concepts, assembly language. The C programming language: variables, types and expressions, assignment statement, loops, files, functions, pointers. Hardware level commands. Basics of UNIX operating system. Programming assignments in C.

MECA 440 System Modeling and Control (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Sistem Modelleme ve Kontrol)

Introduction to automatic control. Modeling of dynamic systems. Response analysis using Laplace Transform Method. Transfer functions and block diagrams. Feedback Control Systems. Typical actuators and transducers. Control laws. Tuning methods for PID control. Root-Locus analysis. Frequency response analysis.

MECA 450 Digital Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Dijital Sistemler)

Number systems, Boolean algebra, logic networks and their simplification. Logic design with gates. Combinatorial and sequential circuits. Counter and shift registers. Hardware description languages, digital logic synthesis, computer organization, arithmetic logic, memory and control units, mini and microcomputer systems.


MECA 501 Modeling of Physical Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Fiziksel Sistemlerin Modellenmesi) 

Energy Sources, storage and dissipation. Mechanical and electrical system elements. thermal and fluid system elements. Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems. Mechanical actuation systems. Electromechanical actuators and modeling. Robotic systems. Energy converters. Bond graphs. Representations of systems in state space and frequency domain. Simulation of physical systems.

MECA 502 Industrial Control and Instrumentation (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Endüstriyel Kontrol ve Enstrümantasyon)

Control systems architectures. Microcontroller based systems. Interfacing of electro-mechanical systems to microcomputers for data acquisition, data analysis and digital control. PC based control. Communications in industrial control systems, industrial LANs. Sequential control; direct digital control and supervisory control. Structures of SCADA systems; Numerical control. NC Part programming. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).

MECA 503 Mechatronic Systems Laboratory (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 8
(Mekatronik Sistemler Laboratuvarı) 

Overview of mechatronic devices. Overview of measurement theory, techniques and error analysis. . Sensors for position, velocity and acceleration measurements. Force, torque and pressure measurement. Temperature and flow measurement. Signal conditioning. Electromechanical actuators: DC, stepper and AC motors. Piezoelectric actuators. Interfacing actuators and sensors to microcontrollers. A/D and D/A conversion.

MECA 504 Embedded Systems and Hardware Software Co-design  (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 8
(Gömülü Sistemler ve Yazılım-Donanım İşbirliği)

Elements of microprocessor systems, hardware and software analysis. Addressing techniques. Input-Output devices. Programming concepts. Interrupts. I/O interfacing (serial, parallel). A/D, D/A operations. Memory system design and cache organization. Integration of the measurement and actuators with embedded controller, the implementation of the control algorithms and interfacing the embedded controllers to LAN.



MECA 511 Mechanical Design Principles (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mekanik Tasarım İlkeleri)

Basic design principles applied in machine and instrument design. Designing methods for a specified response. Design of machine drives based on dynamic behavior. Design for maximum stiffness, lightweight design. Design of mechanical components subject to dynamic loads. Failure analysis and reliability. Economic decision making and cost evaluation. Design optimization. Analytical, numerical and finite element methods applied to the analysis and design of mechanical systems.

MECA 512 Mechanical Vibrations (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mekanik Titreşimler)

Free and forced vibrations of linear one degree of freedom systems. Systems with multiple degrees of freedom. Modal analysis. Design for vibration suppression and control. Continuous systems, discretization, numerical and approximate methods of analysis. Vibration measurement.

MECA 513 Robotics and Robot Control (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Robotik ve Robot Kontrolü)

Introduction to robotics. Spatial descriptions and transformations. Forward and inverse kinematics; mechanics of robot motion, static force and compliance. Robot dynamics, trajectory planning, robot control, hardware and software implementations. Robot sensing.

MECA 514 Materials Selection, Design and Economics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Malzeme Seçimi, Tasarımı ve Ekonomisi )

Systems analysis techniques and engineering principles for identifying optimal materials, design methods, and processes for specific applications. Physical properties of different materials, strength analysis, cost modeling, materials selection algorithms, property charts and performance indices, materials demand modeling. Principles of design for manufacture. Cost of manufacturing. Materials selection and design for casting, forging, sheet-metal forming, machining, welding and powder metallurgy. Use of process selection charts.

MECA 515 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım ve Üretim)

CAD-CAM system hardware and software. Geometric-modeling topics : Transformations, rendering, solid modeling, curves and surfaces, and volumetric properties. Numerical methods for analysis; overview of numerical methods such as finite differences and finite-elements; solution methods of linear system of equations. Design optimization, search methods, constrained optimization. Multi-disciplinary design optimization and manufacturing tolerances. CAM and its applications.

MECA 516 Fluid Power Control (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Akışkan Gücü Kontrolü)

Hydraulic and pneumatic power transmission systems. Losses and system efficiency. Basic hydraulic and pneumatic circuit design. Pumps, motors, accumulators. Valve characteristics. Dynamic response. Hydraulic servo control.

MECA 581 to 583 Special Topics in Mechatronics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mekatronikte Özel Konular)

A The latest technology developments regarding the mechanical systems aspects of mechatronics and its related fields.


MECA 521 Analog Electronics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Analog Elektronik)

Diode characteristics and applications; power supplies. Transistor operation; transistor characteristics; transistor biasing; small-signal modeling and analysis. MOSFET operation and biasing. FET small-signal modeling and analysis; thyristors and related devices. Analog Integrated Circuits; OpAmps; power amplifiers; regulated power supplies.

MECA 522 Electrical Machinery (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Elektrik Makinaları)

Principles of electromechanical energy conversion: singly and multiply excited, translational and rotational systems. DC machines: theory, generators, motors, speed control. Electromagnetic fields created by AC electric machine windings: pulsating and rotating magnetic fields, emf induced in a winding. Induction machines: equivalent circuit, steady-state analysis, speed control. Synchronous machines: equivalent circuit, steady-state analysis, stability.

MECA 523 Signal Processing in Mechatronics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mekatronikte Sinyal İşleme)

Signals and their classifications. Spectra and frequency functions. Fourier analysis and filtering. Sampling and reconstruction. discrete-time systems. Filter design techniques. FFT methods. Review of probability and random variables. Parameter estimation in dynamic models. Least squares estimation.

MECA 524 Control System Design (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Kontrol Sistem Tasarımı)

Design of control systems: cascade compensation networks; design in frequency domain; design using the Root Locus; design of state variable feedback systems; pole placement using state feedback, state observers; the design of robust control systems. Digital control and discretization.

MECA 525 Optimization (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Optimizasyon )

Convex analysis; optimality conditions. Linear programming: model formulation, simplex method, duality, dual simplex method, sensitivity analysis. Transportation and transshipment problems. Integer programming: cutting plane, branch and bound methods; quadratic programming; dynamic programming. Methods for unconstrained and constrained nonlinear optimization; multi-objective optimization methods.

MECA 526 Process Control (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Proses Kontrol)

Modeling and mathematical formulation of lumped-parameter and distributed-parameter systems encountered in process systems. Feed-forward control, ratio control, cascade control, selective control, PID and internal model control. Multivariable control techniques. Computer control of processes.

MECA 527 Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems – MEMS (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7 
 (Mikro Elektromekanik Sistemlere Giriş-MEMS)
Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and to the fundamentals of micromachining and microfabrication techniques. Thin-film processes, photolithography, deposition and etching techniques for MEMS fabrication. Multi-domain analysis of sensing and transduction mechanisms, capacitive and piezoresistive techniques. Ddesign and analysis of micromachined sensors and actuators. Review of pressure sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes and resonators and their applications.

MECA 584 to 586 Special Topics in Mechatronics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mekatronikteki Özel Konular)

The latest technology developments regarding the electrical and electronic systems aspects of mechatronics and its related fields.


MECA 531 Numerical Methods (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Sayısal Yöntemler)

Use of computers for solving common engineering problems such as modeling, analysis, synthesis and simulation. Basic CAD and finite element modeling tools. Use of engineering software such as MATLAB for modeling and control.

MECA 532 Soft Computing and Intelligent Control (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Akıllı Hesaplama ve Kontrol)

Review of control concepts. Definition of intelligent control. Knowledge representation and search methods. Expert systems for control. Fuzzy logic control. Neural networks and control. Evolutionary algorithms and control. Intelligent control architecture; intelligent control applications.

MECA 533 Neural Networks (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Yapay Sinir Ağları)

Learning paradigms and algorithms. Perceptrons and LMS algorithm. Multilayer networks and back-propagation. Associative memory, Hopfield networks, Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), Radial Basis Function (RBF) networks, Hebbian Learning, Kohonen networks, recurrent networks. Application in pattern recognition, classification, data compression, control and optimization. Implementation of neural networks.

MECA 534 Microprocessor-based System Design (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mikroişlemci Tabanlı Sistem Tasarımı)

Microcomputer hardware organization. Comparison of microprocessor architectures. Interfacing microprocessors with physical devices. Monitor programs. Assembly language programming. Hardware and software development aids. Applications of microprocessor based systems and single board microcomputer systems.

MECA 535 Real Time Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Gerçek Zamanlı Sistemler)

Introduction to real time systems. Real time operating system. Process interactions. process scheduling. process communication. Real time software design. Verification and validation of real time software. Deadlock management. Time handling.

MECA 536 PC Based Data Acquisition and Control (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(PC Tabanlı Veri Toplama ve Kontrol)

Interfacing of electro-mechanical systems to microcomputers for data acquisition, data analysis and digital control. Use of PC ports and Internet for data acquisition and control purposes. PC architecture. Serial port, parallel port, USB. Programming techniques for serial and parallel communication. ISA and PCI bus specifications. ISA bus interfacing and programming. Simple ISA card design for data acquisition.

MECA 587 to 589 Special Topics in Mechatronics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mekatronikteki Özel Konular)

Latest technology developments regarding the industrial informatics aspects of mechatronics and its related fields.


MECA 577 Directed Studies I (0+4+0) 0 ECTS 4
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar I)

Research in the field of mechatronic systems, supervised by faculty.

MECA 578 Directed Studies II (0+4+0) 0 ECTS 4
(Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar II)

Continued research in the field of mechatronic systems, supervised by faculty.
Prerequisite: MECA 577

MECA 579 Graduate Seminar          (0+1+0) 0 ECTS 8
(Lisansüstü Seminer)

The widening of students’ perspectives and awareness of topics of interest to mechatronics engineers through seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students.
Prerequisite: -

MECA 590 Project (0+4+0) 0 ECTS 16, P/F

Design project of interest to industry. Team work in designing and implementing a mechatronic system. Conceptual design and its implementation. Use of different aspects of mechatronic technologies and integratation of these technologies to achieve a better product or system using the mechatronics design approach.

MECA 591 Guided Research (1+2+0) 1 ECTS 4
(Yönlendirilmiş Araştırmalar)

Research on an applied topic in mechatronic systems, supervised by faculty.

MECA 593 Guided Research in M.S. I (1+0+2) 2 ECTS 3
 (Yüksek Lisansta Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar I)

Research in the field of Mechatronics Engineering, to be planned with members of the faculty.
Prerequisite: -

MECA 594 Guided Research in M.S. II (1+0+2) 2 ECTS 3
 (Yüksek Lisansta Yönlendirilmiş Çalışmalar II)

Continued research in the field of Mechatronics Engineering, to be planned with members of the faculty.
Prerequisite: -

MECA 690 M.S. Thesis 0 ECTS 60
 (Yüksek Lisans Tezi)
Prerequisite: -

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