Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Tarih Lisansüstü Programları
TKL 501 Classics of Divan Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 10
(Divan Edebiyatı Klasikleri)
A study of the works of the major poets of Divan literature such as Fuzuli, Baki, Nedim and Seyh Galip with reference to the conventions of their time.
TKL 524 Contemporary Literary Issues and Approaches (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Çağdaş Edebi Meseleler ve Yaklaşımlar)
An examination and application of contemporary literary theory, including structuralism, post structuralism, deconstruction, Marxism, feminism and psychoanalysis.
TKL 524 Contemporary Literary Issues and Approaches (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Çağdaş Edebi Meseleler ve Yaklaşımlar)
An Examination and Application of contemporary literary theory, including structuralism, post structuralism, deconstruction, Marxizm, feminism and psychoanalysis.
TKL 530 Disciplinary Features of Turkish Literary Studies (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 10
(Türkçe Edebiyat Çalışmalarının Disipliner Özellikleri)
Exploring the disciplinary features of both divan and modern Turkish literature fields. Study of the concept of literature, literary criticism, literary history and textual criticism with theoretical and applied readings.
TKL 533 Research Methodology (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Araştırma Yöntemleri)
Methods of preparing critical editions together with scholarly analysis of certain themes.
TKL 579 Graduate Seminar (0+1+0) Non-Credit ECTS 6
(Lisansüstü Seminer)
The widening of students' perspectives and awareness of topics of interests in Turkish Language and Literature through seminars offered by faculty, graduating thesis students and invited guests from industry, government, business and academia.
TKL 690 M.A. Thesis ECTS 30
(Yüksek Lisans Tezi)
Courses offered for the Department of History and Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History
TKL 503 Ottoman Turkish Reading Skills I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Osmanlı Türkçesi Okuma Becerileri I)
A study of the script and linguistic features of Ottoman Turkish.
TKL 504 Ottoman Turkish Reading Skills II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Osmanlı Türkçesi Okuma Becerileri II)
A study of the script and advanced linguistic features of Ottoman Turkish.
Departmental Electives
Departmental Electives in Old Turkish Literature
TKL 505 Verse Narratives in Turkish and Persian Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İran ve Türk Edebiyatında Manzum Hikayeler)
A comparative study of verse narratives such as the love story of Leyla and Mecnun, The Heroic Story of Iskendername and mystical masnavis.
TKL 506 Chagatay Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Çağatay Edebiyatı)
A study of selected texts, in printed and manuscript forms in Chagatay Turkish, e.g. the works of Ali Sir Nevai and others. Special attention given to the language.
TKL 509 Studies and Critical Evaluations on Divan Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Divan Edebiyatı Üzerine Yapılmış Çalışmalar ve Değerlendirmeler)
A study of the leading literary historians' approaches to Divan literature, beginning with the Tanzimat period, (Namik Kemal, Semseddin Sami and others) and later scholars such as Fuad Koprulu, Abdulbaki Golpinarli, A. Nihat Tarlan, Fahir Iz and contemporary researchers.
TKL 510 Books of Ethics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Ahlak Kitapları)
A textual study of the books of ethics (siyasetnames, futuvvetnames, nasihatnames) and the translations of the masterpieces such as Kelile ve Dimne, Kabusname.
TKL 534 Prose in Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Türk Edebiyatında Nesir)
A study of various texts from the early period up to the 19th century taking into consideration the various influences acting upon the development of Turkish prose. Special attention given to different types of prose (plain, semi-artistic and artistic).
TKL 580-586 Special Topics in Old Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Eski Türk Edebiyatında Özel Konular )
Textual analysis and bibliographical study of a selected topic or text from Old Turkish Literature.
Departmental Electives in Modern Turkish Literature
TKL 520 Servet-i Funun Poetry (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Servet-i Fünun Şiiri)
Poetry of the Servet-i Funun period with consideration of the impact of the aesthetic concepts of western literatures; the new genres and themes in poetry, with special emphasis on the works of Tevfik Fikret, Cenap Sahabettin, Suleyman Nazif.
TKL 521 The Turkish Novel After 1970 (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(1970 Sonrası Türk Romanı)
A study of the Turkish novel in the last thirty years with emphasis on the works of novelists such as Adalet Agaoglu, Oguz Atay and Orhan Pamuk.
TKL 522 Satire and Humor in Modern Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Yeni Türk Edebiyatında Hiciv ve Mizah)
A study of satire and humor in modern Turkish literature, and an analysis of the modern period in the light of this study.
TKL 523 Literary Criticism in the Republican Period (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Cumhuriyet Döneminde Eleştiri)
A study of the history of literary criticism in the Republican Period and of critics such as Nurullah Atac, Fethi Naci and Berna Moran.
TKL 525 Literary Genre Theories and Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Edebi Tür Kuramları ve Türkçe Edebiyat)
Exploring literary genre theories and their importance and applicability in studying modern Turkish literature. Emphasis on certain literary genres in Turkish such as crime fiction, Independence War novels, and historical novels.
TKL 532 Theories of Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Edebiyat Kuramları)
A seminar designed to explore various theories of western literature, including whenever possible a comparative analysis of the literary and aesthetic concepts of Turkish literature.
TKL 587-593 Special Topics in Modern Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Yeni Türk Edebiyatında Özel Konular)
Textual analysis and bibliographical study of a selected topic or text from Modern Turkish Literature.
TKL 594-599 Special Topics in Turkish Language (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Türk Dilinde Özel Konular)
Textual analysis and bibliographical study of a selected topic or text from Turkish Language.
Ph.D. Program
Specialization Electives in Old Turkish Literature
TKL 601 Concepts and Motifs in Old Turkish Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Eski Türk Edebiyatında Kavramlar ve Motifler)
Analysis of the themes, concepts, motifs and heroic figures which feed old Turkish literature from the mythological era on.
TKL 602 Representations in Old Turkish Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Eski Türk Edebiyatında Betimlemeler)
Study of representations of nature, man, geographical regions, wars in old Turkish literature.
TKL 603 Allegory and Allegorical Works (4+0+0) 4ECTS 10
(Alegori ve Alegorik Eserler)
Description of the variations of allegory as a literary mode, its themes and the allegorical readings with reference to the works with allegorical features such as Kelile ve Dimne, Harname, Sem u Pervane, and Husn u Ask.
TKL 604 Transition from Oral to Written Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Sözlü Edebiyattan Yazılı Edebiyata Geçiş)
Study of the formal and thematic features of the epics of the pre-islamic era and the first oral products of this tradition in Anatolia (Oguzname, Dede Korkut, Battalname, Saltukname, Danismendname).
TKL 605 Comparative Studies on Translated Texts (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Çeviri Eserler Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Çalışmalar)
Evaluation of the translation attempts from the period of Anatolian principalities to the westernization era in the nineteenth century and comparative treatment of source and target texts with reference to translational norms.
TKL 606 Themes and Style in Masnavis (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Mesnevilerde İzlekler ve Biçem)
Definition of the common structural and thematic features of masnavis with emphasis on the differences between the works to be examined.
TKL 607 Content and Structure of Divans (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(İçeriği ve Yapısı Bakımından Divanlar)
Definition of the common features and patterns of divans in terms of structure and content, and analysis of the differences between the texts selected.
TKL 608 Enumeration by Letters and Chronograms (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Ebced Hesabı ve Tarih Düşürme)
Study of the different techniques of chronograms composed to designate the date of the construction of buildings and to mark occasions such as victories, conquests, births and deaths.
TKL 611 Social Life in Divan Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Divan Edebiyatında Sosyal Yaşam)
Starting from the Anatolian principalities era up to the nineteenth century, the study of literary works which reflect the social life, customs and traditions, political events, beliefs of society.
TKL 612 The Concept of Love in Divan Poetry (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Divan Şiirinde Aşk Anlayışı)
Analytical approach to the literary symbols and figures of speech of the concepts of love, the beloved and the lover (both material and divine).
TKL 613 Poet Sultans in Divan Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Divan Edebiyatında Padişah/Sultan Şairler)
Critical approach to the works of poet sultans with a view to analyzing their achievement as poets.
TKL 614 Women Poets in Divan Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Divan Edebiyatında Kadın Şairler)
Examination of the works of woman poets, starting from Mihri Hatun.
TKL 615 Text and Miniature in Divan Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Divan Edebiyatında Metin ve Minyatür)
Comparative treatment of the texts of old Turkish literature and miniatures with emphasis on thematic integrity.
TKL 616 The Sebk-i Hindî in Divan Poetry (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Divan Şiirinde Sebk-i Hindî)
Development of the Sebk-i Hindî in Divan poetry as of the seventeenth century under the influence of Persian and Indian literatures and its major representatives.
TKL 617 Commentary Tradition in Divan Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Divan Edebiyatında Şerh (Açımlama) Geleneği)
Commentary tradition and a comparative study of Turkish commentaries on the masterpieces such as Masnavi, The Divan of Hafiz, and Tuhfe-i Sahidi.
TKL 621 Collections and Anthologies (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Mecmualar ve Antolojiler)
Study of collections and anthologies composed of poems, pastiche as well as treatises on various topics, informative writings and private letters.
TKL 622 Prose Narrative Techniques (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Mensur Anlatı Teknikleri)
Comparative study of old Turkish prose works in terms of the characteristics of the narrative techniques with focus on the different stages of their development.
TKL 623 Stories in Prose (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Mensur Hikâyeler)
Critical evaluation of legendary, religious, mystic, epic and didactic stories in prose in relation to their sources, themes, motifs and narrative features.
TKL 624 Verse and Prose Histories of the Ottoman Dynasty (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Osmanoğullarının Manzum ve Mensur Tarihleri)
Study of the narrative forms in the histories of the Ottoman Dynasty (Tevarih-i Al-i Osman) and the official histories.
TKL 631 Philosophical Poetry (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Hikemî Siir)
Beginning with Ahmed Yesevi the rise and development of philosophical poetry and the study of the representative works in this tradition.
TKL 632 Religious and Mystical Works (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Dinî-Tasavvufî Eserler)
Study of religious and mystical works in verse (tevhid, munacaat, naat, miraciye, ilahi, nefes, devriye, nutuk, mesnevi) and in prose (tefsir, fikih, kelam, hadis, akaid, siyer, maktel, hilye, tezkiretu'l enbiya, mystical tracts and hagiology).
TKL 641 Gazavatnames (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
Examination of the heroic tales in verse and prose also known as zafername or fetihname.
TKL 642 Surnames (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
Study of the works both in verse and in prose relating the wedding ceremonies of the princesses, the circumcision feasts and the festivities organized on the occasion of the birth of Sultan's offspring with respect to customs, traditions, documentary information and narrative characteristics they imply.
TKL 643 Travel Accounts and Reports of Diplomatic Missions (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Seyahatnameler ve Sefaretnameler)
Study of the written reports of Ottoman diplomatic missions (sefaretnames) in Austria, Persia, Russia, France, Poland, England, India, Spain, Morocco as well as of travel accounts (seyahatnames) beginning with Evliya Celebi, from the seventeenth century on.
TKL 644 Velayetnames and Menakibnames (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Velayetname ve Menakıpnameler)
Study of the works written on the saints and the leaders of religious orders in terms of content, narrative forms, and mystical elements.
TKL 645 Biographies, Bibliographies and Tezkires (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Biyografiler, Bibliyografiler ve Tezkireler)
Study of the works containing information on the writers, poets, artists and scholars as well as the prominent statesmen and religious leaders of society with specific reference to the development of the genre.
TKL 646 Seminar in Old Turkish Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Eski Türk Edebiyatı Semineri)
Tutorial courses in topics of special interest for the individual doctoral student of old Turkish literature, involving extensive research and written/oral reports closely supervised by the instructor.
TKL 680-686 Special Topics in Old Turkish Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Eski Türk Edebiyatında Özel Konular)
Study of a selected topic or text in Old Turkish Literature in terms of both textual analysis and bibliography.
Specialization Electives in Modern Turkish Literature
TKL 651 Tanzimat Poetry (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Tanzimat Şiiri)
Study of the poetry of the Tanzimat period in which Turkish poems in the western tradition emerged, with particular emphasis on Ziya Pasa, Namik Kemal and Abdulhak Hamit's poetry and the novelties they brought to Turkish literature.
TKL 652 Tanzimat Theatre (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Tanzimat Tiyatrosu)
Textual study of the first 'western style' plays in Turkish literature according to their themes and techniques and a comparison with traditional Ottoman visual arts to emphasize literary novelties introduced by these plays.
TKL 653 First Modern Woman Writers (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(İlk Çağdaş Kadın Yazarlar)
Study of the first woman writers of Turkish Literature and their works from 1850 to 1950.
TKL 654 Political Works by Tanzimat Writers (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Tanzimat Yazarlarının Siyasi Eserleri)
Study of the newspaper articles of the Tanzimat poets and writers who shaped almost the whole intellectual opinion, with emphasis on the works like Ziya Pasa's Zafer-name which criticizes the 'sadrazam' and Namik Kemal's Renan Mudafaa-namesi which defends Islam.
TKL 655 Literary Criticism in the Servet-i Funun Period (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Servet-i Fünun Döneminde Edebi Eleştiri)
Study of the Servet-i Funun period in which the first 'western style' texts on criticism were produced in Turkish literature.
TKL 656 Moliere Translations and Adaptations (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Moliere Çevirileri ve Adaptasyonları)
Study of the translations and adaptations of the plays of Moliere, who influenced Turkish playwrights the most, especially the first fifty years of Turkish theatre history.
TKL 657 Translated Novels from the Tanzimat to the Republic (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Tanzimattan Cumhuriyete Çeviri Romanlar)
Study of the novels translated from western languages into Turkish from the period of the Tanzimat to the establishment of the Republic and playing an important role in the evolution of the Turkish novel. Emphasis on the narrative and translation techniques, and comparisons between the original text and the translation.
TKL 658 Foundational Texts of Tanzimat Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Tanzimat Edebiyatı’nın Temel Metinleri)
Examining the changes and transformation of Ottoman literature in the second half of the 19th century in parallel to political, social, economic and cultural modernization through literary criticism and essays.
TKL 659 Literature as a Discipline and Interdisciplinarity (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Bir Disiplin Olarak Edebiyat ve Disiplinler Arasılık)
Exploring the disciplinary features of literature in general and Turkish literature in particular. Discussing the contributions and challenges of interdisciplinarity to the field with theoretical and applied readings and extensive research.
TKL 660 Advanced Studies in Genre Theories and the Independence War Narratives Genre (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Tür Kuramları ve Kurtuluş Savaşı Anlatılari Türü Üzerine İleri Çalışmalar)
Exploring modern genre theories as an alternative methodology in studying literature. Applying the critical and methodological tools of genre studies in interpretation and study of Turkish Independence War narratives with extensive research.
TKL 661 Leading Writers of the Modern Period I (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Çağdaş Dönemin Önde Gelen Yazarları I)
Study of the most eminent writers of Modern Turkish literature with in depth analysis of their works.
TKL 662 Leading Writers of the Modern Period II (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Çağdaş Dönemin Önde Gelen Yazarları II)
Study of the most eminent writers of Modern Turkish literature with in depth analysis of their works.
TKL 663 The Plays of Musahipzade Celal (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Musahipzade Celal'in Oyunları)
Study of the works of Musahipzade Celal, the most important playwright in the early years of the republican period.
TKL 664 Woman Writers after 1950 (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(1950 Sonrası Kadın Yazarlar)
Textual analysis of the novels and short stories of woman writers after 1950.
TKL 671 Modern Literary Theories (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Çağdaş Edebiyat Kuramları)
Study of the twentieth century literary theories ranging from structuralism to post-modernism; comparative analysis of the literary and aesthetic concepts of Turkish literature.
TKL 672 Narrative Techniques in the Contemporary Turkish Novel (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Çağdaş Türk Romanında Anlatı Teknikleri)
Study of the novels of major contemporary Turkish novelists whose narrative techniques are compared to western narrative techniques.
TKL 673 Literary Disputes in Modern Turkish Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatında Edebi Kavgalar)
Study of literary disputes which mostly revolved around the old and new, east and west dichotomies from Tanzimat to our age with special emphasis on the disputes of the Tanzimat period as first samples of western style criticism.
TKL 674 Turkish Theatre after 1970 (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(1970 sonrası Türk Tiyatrosu)
Study of the works of the most prominent contemporary playwrights.
TKL 675 Contemporary Turkish Poetry (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Çağdaş Türk Şiiri)
Study of the poems of contemporary prominent poets.
TKL 676 Memoirs in Modern Turkish Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Modern Türk Edebiyatında Hatıralar)
Study of literary people's memoirs with literary value; comparative study between memoirs and literary works.
TKL 677 The Essay (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
Study of essays, focusing on a period or on one or more essayists.
TKL 678 Literary Journals (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Edebiyat Dergileri)
Thematic study of literary journals, especially those which influenced the history of Turkish literature (such as Servet-i Funun and Varlik). Emphasis on Tanzimat and Servet-i Funun periods when the journals became literary centres.
TKL 679 Seminar in Modern Turkish Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Modern Türk Edebiyatı Semineri)
Tutorial courses in topics of special interest for the individual doctoral student of modern Turkish literature, involving extensive research and written/oral reports closely supervised by the instructor.
TKL 687-693 Special Topics in Modern Turkish Literature (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatında Özel Konular)
Study of a selected topic or text in Modern Turkish Literature in terms of both textual analysis and bibliography.
TKL 700 Graduate Seminar (0+1+0) 0 ECTS 6
(Lisansüstü Seminer)
Seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students designed to widen students' perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
Required Course
TKL 790 Dissertation ECTS 30
(Doktora Tezi)
Dissertation in Turkish on a particular text or a theme in Modern Turkish Literature.
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Lisansüstü Programları ders dersinden özel ders almak için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Henüz değerlendiren olmadı.İlk değendiren siz olun.
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