Uluslararası Rekabet ve Ticaret Yüksek Lisans ders

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi


Uluslararası Rekabet ve Ticaret Yüksek Lisans

Genel Bilgiler

INCT 502  Financial Reporting and Analysis (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 9
(Finansal Raporlama ve Analiz)
Financial reporting systems under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP); overview of principal financial statements; analysis of reports such as income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement; analysis of inventories, long-lived assets, taxes, debt; financial analysis techniques; consequences of differences in international accounting systems and ethical issues in accounting.

INCT 511 International Trade Policies (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS 7
(Uluslararası Ticaret Politikaları)

Implementational aspects of the multilayered world of international trade. International competitiveness. Standard and new trade theories. International trade policies for developed and developing countries. Trade barriers, trade regulations, and industrial policies. Case studies related to international trade and monetary issues.

INCT 514 Global Economic Analysis and Financial Risk (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Küresel Ekonomik Analiz ve Finansal Riskler)
Global economic environment: contemporary macroeconomics explaining thefinancial crises and developments in the international economy; main characteristics, challenges, opportunities and roles of developed and emerging economies in the global economic system; coordinated macroeconomic policies and their implications. Case studies focusing on optimal decision making at the firm and industry level in the ‘New’ Global Economy.

INCT 516 Firms and Markets (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Şirketler ve Piyasalar)
Market structures: competition, monopolies, monopolistic competition and oligopoliesin national and international markets. Strategic behavior: decision making under uncertainty, simultaneous and sequential move games and related solution concepts. Pricing, entry and exit decisions in different market structures. Cases supporting the importance of strategic behavior in inefficient markets.

INCT 518 National Competitive Advantage (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Ulusal Rekabet Üstünlüğü)
Analysis of local attributes as determinants of national advantage. Forces influencing competition and development in an industry, models and strategies for creating and sustaining competitive advantage, public policies and institutions that shape competitive outcomes, national competitive advantage within the framework of policies at the national level as well as at the level of regions, assessment of selected Turkish industries.

INCT 520 Supply Chain Management  and Strategy (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi ve Stratejisi)
Integrating operations, supply chain and logistics issues for achieving strategic fit andbusiness competitiveness. Strategic choices such as operations strategy, locations strategy, process planning; supply chain key drivers, coordination. Logistics system design in accordance with supply chain objectives. Logistics decisions like inventory management, warehousing, transportation, facility location and distribution; cost structure, agencies and documentation in international logistics. Utilization of software packages.

INCT 522 Games in International Trade (2+0+2) 3 / ECTS: 9
(Uluslararası Ticarette Sanal Oyunlar)
Simulating the internationally competitive trade environment via software packages. Competition of firms, each represented by a team of students, through international business decisions. Discussion of firm performances with an advisory board. Providing real world business experience; developing skills related to integrated decision processes and analytical thinking.

INCT 523 Competitive Intelligence (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Rekabet İstihbaratı)
Design and set up of systems for ethical gathering, analyzing, and managing externalinformation for creating competitive advantage. Determining intelligence information needs of the company regarding micro and macro environment and developing knowledge base on markets, partners, competitors, techgnologies, customer/prospects for managing the competitive environment. Key types, tools and techniques of competitive intelligence. Online and other data sources for research.

INCT 524 Applied Data Analysis (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Uygulamalı Veri Analizi)
Statistical techniques in data analysis and decision making under uncertainty. Descriptive data analysis, statisticcs concepts, probability concepts and common probability distributions. Decision trees; correlation analysis. Sampling and estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, linear and multiple regression analysis. Introduction to multivariate data analysis. Use of computer-based statistical tools.

INCT 526 Quantitative Decision Making (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Nicel Karar Alma)
Developing the required quantitative thinking skills for the analysis and solutionbusiness decision problems. Deterministic and probabilistic modeling such as linear programming and sensitivity analysis, goal programming, network models; project scheduling, forecasting, simulation, decision analysis, benchmarking. Issues related to operations analysis and management. Utilization of decision support software packages.

INCT  531  International Business and Negotiations (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Uluslararası Yönetim ve Müzakereler)
International organizational environment: symbiotic and competitive interdependencies, cross-cultural literacy; corporate level strategic planning emphasizing internationalization; balance between cooperation and competition: strategic alliances. Framing, strategizing, planning international negotiations; conceptual boundaries and challenges of international negotiation, multi party, multi-session, multi issue negotiations, resolving impasse.

INCT 534 Entrepreneurship (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
Historical development of entrepreneurship. Major strategic constraints and issuesconfronted by start-up and early-stage entrepreneurs; building, running, and growing a venture in an environment of global changes in technology, communications, and capital markets; identifying and evaluating business opportunities; acquiring resources; structuring funding and reasonable valuation of the venture; achieving competitive advantage given limited resources; major tools useful in an entrepreneurial setting.

INCT 535 Strategic Thinking and Innovation (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Stratejik Düşünme ve İnovasyon)

Components of innovation at organizational and individual levels. The relationship of various models of innovation to marketing, design and management functions. Measurement of the innovation value chain. New product development and positioning processes, including concepts such as research, observation, creativity, design thinking, disruptive innovation, blue ocean strategy, and open innovation.

INCT 536 Competition and Strategy (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Rekabet ve Strateji)
An evaluation of firm’s competitiveness through internal resources, capabilities andcore competencies and external opportunities and threats presented by the global environment both at the country and industry-level.  Assessment, business-level strategies and competitive dynamics, corporate-level strategies with a focus on cooperative strategies, corporate governance and its impact on firm’s competitiveness.

INCT 538 Business Ethics (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(İş Ahlâkı)
The interplay among society's laws, ethical norms, and markets; ethical assumptions, choices and conflicts in business decisions; corporate social responsibility in the global economy; the role of business in poverty alleviation; ethical judgment in business situations through case analyses.

INCT 541   Political and  Legal Aspects of Business Competition (3+0+0) 3/ ECTS: 7
(Rekabetin Siyasi ve Hukuki Boyutları)
Political and legal issues in business competition. World political dynamics and the global legal system; public policy making and international law; organizations, power relations, institutional change; regionalism versus international organizations; regional economic integration and the European Union; interest groups and decision-making. National and international regulation, multilateral and regional trade treaties and associated law; dumping, subsidies, unfair practices and dispute settlement mechanisms in trade under the WTO system; the applicable law for trade in services and intellectual property.

INCT 544 Competition Law and Policy (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Rekabet Hukuku ve Politikaları)
The basic principles and policies of competition law. The legal analysis of theanticompetitive activities and business practices that restrict competition in markets. Cartel agreements, concerted practices, abuse of the dominant power, mergers and acquisitions, enforcement of competition law. Critical perspectives concerning how law should and could control anti-competitive practices, the role of the regulatory bodies in competition law.

INCT  550  Competing in International Markets (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Uluslararası Pazarlarda Rekabet)
Finding profit opportunities, creating and challenging competitive advantage anddeveloping corporate advantage in global markets. The fundamental concepts of marketing matched with emphasis on competition and core strengths. Techniques for  analyzing, assessing and selecting international markets; entry strategies; identifying and evaluating firm’s opportunities, anticipating competitive dynamics and developing marketing strategies in selected markets. Implementing and coordinating marketing programs in global markets.

INCT 552  International Marketing Channels (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Uluslararası Pazarlama Kanalları)
Channel strategy and design; channel participants’ behavior, conflict, control, andcooperation; international channel management decisions: motivating; pricing, promotion issues and logistics; appraising the marketing channel: evaluating channel member performance; vertical marketing systems and channel management; retailer and wholesaler marketing decisions; store retailing, non-store retailing; international retailing.

INCT 554 Strategic Brand Management (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Stratejik Marka Yönetimi)
Historic origins of branding; brand equity, customer-based brand equity, determining brand elements, designing marketing programs and marketing communications to built brand equity, branding strategy; naming new products, designing strategies for branding and brand extensions; reinforcing and revitalizing brands; managing brands over geographical boundaries, cultures and market segments; analysis of cases for creating brands, sub-brands, managing a brand portfolio, branding a commodity, building a global brand.

INCT 556 International Market Selection (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Uluslararası Pazar Seçimi)
Approaches to the explanation of the internationalization of the firm; internal andexternal factor categories influencing the selection of markets and market entry modes; choosing overseas markets, researching and measuring foreign market attractiveness, evaluation and  screening methods; analyzing the potential of the firm in a specific country market; strategies for foreign market entry.

INCT 558 Integrated Marketing Communications (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi)
Communication theory and marketing communications industry; understanding how marketing communications work through the study of customers and stakeholders; marketing communication strategies, marketing communications mix: advertising and media planning, sales promotion, public relations, sponsorship, direct marketing, personal selling; marketing communications across borders.

INCT 562 Turkey and the EU: Trade Policies, Strategies and Competitiveness (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Türkiye ve AB: Ticaret Politikaları, Stratejileri ve Rekabet Gücü)
Legal, economic and political aspects of EU trade policies with reference to the candidate status of Turkey. Analysis of EU-Turkey relations within the context of legal and administrative harmonization in trade and the Customs Union. EU trade regime, EU Commercial law, EU trade strategies, trade cases, experiences of accession states and trade performances. Trade policies and strategies of the EU evaluated with reference to the geopolitical policies of enlargement, international competitiveness and neighborhood policy which sets the new regional priorities of the EU.

INCT 566  E-Commerce (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Elektronik Ticaret)
Concepts and tools required to use electronic information systems for creating competitive advantage in trade with a focus on the strategic, managerial and operational issues. Current state of e-trade; the Internet; new Internet technologies; B-to-B, B-to-C, B-to-E opportunities; managing the supply chain on the Internet; web-site analyses, regulatory and ethical issues, mobile e-trade, entrepreneurship and other new trends.

INCT  571 Finance for International Trade (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Uluslararası Ticaret için Finans)
Financial management from the perspective of trading firms; cost of capital, working capital management. International and domestic financial markets. Use of derivative instruments for hedging interest rate, exchange rate and  commodity price risks faced by exporters and importers. Applications in organized and over-the-counter markets. Financing techniques for international trade; forfaiting, factoring, leasing, post and prefinancing, structured trade finance.

INCT 572  Portfolio Management (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Portföy Yönetimi)
Development and historical behavior of security markets  in the world; valuation ofequities, fixed-income securities and alternative investments; optimal portfolio selection, the relationship between risk and return, market efficiency, asset allocation, characteristics of quantitative allocation models, the behavior and performance evaluation of funds.

INCT 574  Financial Institutions and Capital Markets (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Finansal Kurumlar ve Sermaye Piyasaları)
Structure of financial markets and financial intermediaries; banks, commercial bankingand other depository institutions; institutional investors, including investment banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, pension funds. Securities markets including money, capital, foreign exchange, and derivatives markets. Interest rates and security valuation; central banking system and monetary policy.

INCT 576 Risk Management in International Trade  (3+0+0) 3 / ECTS: 7
(Uluslararası Ticarette Risk Yönetimi)
Developing an understanding of the diverse risks faced by international managers. Usual risks such as property loss or damage, product liability, general liability as well as international risks like investment risk, employment risk, transportation risk and political risk. Identifying and evaluating the risk management tools and their ranges such as insurance and other financial and loss control techniques.

INCT 590 Term Project I (0+2+0) 0 / ECTS: 8 Pass/Fail
(Dönem Projesi I)
Directed research leading to a term paper on a topic of interest to the student, chosen under the supervision of a faculty member.

INCT 591 Term Project II (0+2+0) 0 / ECTS: 8 Pass/Fail
(Dönem Projesi II)
Directed research leading to a term paper on a topic of interest to the student, chosen under the supervision of a faculty member.

INCT 593 Directed Readings I (2+2+0) 2 / ECTS: 4 Pass/Fail
(Yönlendirmeli Okumalar I)
Guided readings in international competition and trade. Supervised research on topics of special interest to the student.

INCT 594 Directed Readings II (2+2+0) 2 / ECTS: 4 Pass/Fail
(Yönlendirmeli Okumalar II)
Guided readings in international competition and trade. Supervised research on topics of special interest to the student.

INCT 595 Directed Readings III (2+2+0) 2 / ECTS: 4 Pass/Fail
(Yönlendirmeli Okumalar III)
Guided readings in international competition and trade. Supervised research on topics of special interest to the student.


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