Yapım Mühendisliği ve Yönetimi Yüksek dersleri

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi


Yapım Mühendisliği ve Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans

Genel Bilgiler


CEM 501 Communication Skills for Engineers (1+0+0) 1 ECTS 3
(Mühendisler için İletişim Becerileri)
Introduction to technical writing, technical document preparation. Preparation of proposals, Project, research progress and feasibility reports. Documentation and visuals. presentations and briefings. Electronic publishing. Ethical considerations in technical writing.

CEM 502 Systems Analysis in Construction Engineering (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Yapım Mühendisliğinde Sistem Analizi)
Introduction to systems engineering. Linear optimization techniques, linear programming,  transportation and assignment problems, network analyses. Queuing theory; simulation techniques; nonlinear optimization; critical path method. Application of machine learning techniques in construction engineering: fuzzy logic, expert systems, artificial neural networks. Use of related software with civil engineering applications.

CEM 503 Engineering and Managerial Economics  (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Mühendislik ve Yönetim Ekonomisi)
Time value of money; cash flows; interest rate calculations; effective and nominal interest, compound interest. Methods of comparison of alternatives; present worth, annual equivalent and rate of return techniques. Financial analysis and planning; financing for engineering projects; portfolio analysis; depreciation and replacement analysis. Analysis of public projects; economic life problems; cost-benefit analysis, breakeven/sensitivity/risk analysis, payback period, effect of inflation.

CEM 504 Statistics for Engineers and Managers (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(Mühendis ve Yöneticiler için İstatistik)
A review of probability and statistics. Linear regression analysis, generalized least squares estimation and engineering applications. Analysis of variance. Survey design;   design of sampling procedures.  Design of experiments. Example applications of these techniques in construction engineering and management areas. Use and application of some contemporary statistical computer packages.

CEM 505 Operations Management (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Yöneylem Yönetimi)
Operations strategy and competitiveness, process selection, facility location and layout planning, supply chain management, just-in time and lean manufacturing systems, enterprise resource planning systems, capacity planning, sales and operations planning, material requirements planning, inventory management, operations scheduling, waiting line management and quality management. Modeling in Excel and online simulations to supplement supply chain management and process management topics.

CEM 506 Quality Management (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Kalite Yönetimi)
Principles of quality management and control systems. Design and development of quality systems in manufacturing and service sectors. Statistical process control and process capability. Six sigma management fundamentals. Major quality assurance systems. 

CEM 507 Legal Issues in Construction Engineering (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Yapım Mühendisliği ile İlgili Yasal Hususlar)
Overview of the international and national legal framework in construction industry; examination of the relevant Turkish legislation; analysis of the fundamental provisions of Law No. 4734 on the Public Procurement Law in Turkey. Legal considerations in the preparation of tenders; health and safety requirements in the construction industry; structure and content of construction contracts, obligations and liabilities of contracting parties; subcontract agreements and related legal obligations. Standard form of contracts for international construction projects; FIDIC suite of contracts; alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

CEM 508 Decisions Under Uncertainty (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Belirsizlik Altında Karar Verme)
Basic concepts of uncertainty and decision making. Fundamentals of probability theory. Decision analysis and utility. Analysis of simple games. Risk, safety and reliability. Insurance and portfolio management. Simulation.

CEM 509 Financial Management in Construction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İnşaatta Finansal Yönetim)

The fundamental concepts and basic tools of corporate and project finance: financial statements, after-tax analysis, depreciation methods, interest rates, effects of inflation. Stock and bond valuation and financial risks and returns in the construction industry. Tools for basic financial planning and evaluating the financial performance of construction companies. Financial models and frameworks for decision making. Capital structure and budgeting: working capital management, cost of capital and raising capital.

CEM 510 Construction Project Management (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İnşaat Proje Yönetimi)
Nature of the construction industry. Construction project management, project life-cycle and project management functions. Principles of Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). Construction planning, estimating and bidding. Scheduling techniques in construction. Contract and claims management, negotiation and conflict resolution. Project success factors and tools for enhancing project success.

CEM 511 Strategic Management of Construction Companies (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İnşaat Şirketlerinin Stratejik Yönetimi)
Definition of strategy and strategic management concept. Strategic analysis, strategic choice, and strategy implementation. Strategic planning in construction industry. Strategies for improving organizational effectiveness. Strategic collaborations, management of information technologies in construction, knowledge management and organizational learning, risk management, total quality management.

CEM 512 Managing Innovation Process in Construction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(İnşaatta Yenilikçilik Sürecinin Yönetilmesi)
Definition, types, and patterns of innovation. Systems of innovation, open innovation, national and regional systems of innovation. Innovation in manufacturing, services, and construction sector. Components, drivers, and benefits of innovation. Measuring innovation at project, organization, and sector level. Innovation value chain in construction. Innovation strategies and tools, innovation capability of firms. Innovative practices in the construction industry.

CEM 513 Risk Management of Construction Projects  (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(İnşaat Projelerinin Risk Yönetimi)
Definition of risk. Risks in construction industry. Risk management process. Risk identification in domestic and international projects. Quantitative and qualitative risk analysis methods. Risk response strategies. Case studies on risk management practices in construction industry.

CEM 514 Performance Measurement and Management in Construction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(İnşaat Sektöründe Performans Ölçümü ve Yönetimi)
Performance, success and effectiveness; performance issues in construction. Performance measurement and management models. Critical success factors, key performance indicators, performance frameworks. Competitiveness in construction; globalization, international contracting services, competitiveness of Turkish construction industry. Tools to improve performance at design, construction and operation phases.

CEM 515 Green Buildings (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Yeşil Binalar)
Energy efficiency and sustainability concepts. Energy consumption and energy requirements throughout the world and Turkey. Mandatory and voluntary regulations (LEED, BREEAM, TS 825, ASHRAE, etc.). Energy efficiency improvements in new and existing buildings in terms of architectural, structural, operational, and financial aspects. Case studies from around the world and Turkey.

CEM 516 Construction Cost Estimation (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Yapım Maliyet Tahminleri)
Application of cost engineering for construction projects, bidding procedures. Overview of construction estimating process, cost estimating techniques, conceptual estimating, detailed cost estimating. Project monitoring and cost controlling, construction accounting, earned value analysis, cash flow management.

CEM 517 Development of Construction Projects and Investment Management (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(İnşaat Projelerinin Geliştirilmesi ve Yatırım Yönetimi)
Concepts in real estate development. Development models for residential, retail and office projects. Market research, cost and pricing, feasibility studies. Project development, conceptual design, project execution. Marketing and sales strategies. New trends in real estate such as green buildings. Delivery, post-delivery obligations, facility management, legal issues.

CEM 520 Case Studies in Civil Engineering (2+0+0) 2 ECTS 6
(İnşaat Mühendisliğinde Vaka Çalışmaları)
Discussion of the emerging issues in civil engineering by faculty members and presentation of real life applications through seminars given by industry practitioners. 

CEM 530 Innovative Civil Engineering Materials Technology  (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(İnşaat Mühendisliği’nde Yenilikçi Malzeme Teknolojileri)
Innovative and high-performance materials in civil engineering, their properties and use, applications in structural and architectural systems, economical aspects, environmental aspects, advantages over conventional systems, performance-based evaluation.

CEM 531 Experimental Technologies in Engineering Materials (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Mühendislik Malzemeleri Için Deney Teknolojileri)
Properties of construction materials, mechanical properties, optical properties, thermal properties, magnetic properties. Experimental methods, standards, evaluation of results, advanced experimental techniqes, new-technology material’s laboratories. Reflections of materials to current engineering structures and developments.

CEM 540 Land Development (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Arazi Geliştirme)
Laws and regulations for urban, rural and industrial site development; review of planning and economical analysis principles. Satellite imagery and air photographs; geotechnical assessment of typical geological formations; natural risk assessment and mitigation in geotechnical projects. Site access; site investigation techniques. Difficult soil conditions and  soil improvement techniques; earthworks for land development; development on brown fields and closed waste dump sites and old mining sites; deep excavations and large underground openings; coastal development considerations; land development in extreme conditions. Social, environmental and economical impact analysis techniques.

CEM 541 Geotechnical Aspects of Infrastructure Construction Technologies (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Geoteknik Açıdan Altyapı İnşaat Teknolojileri)
Short review of fundamentals of geotechnical design; Geotechnical construction technology, construction equipments, construction materials. Cost and bidding types and project control. Highways; railways; airports; port structures;  tunnels,  including trenchless technologies; dams; energy transfer lines; pipelines; deep excavations and underground openings and top down construction technique; waste disposal sites; waterways and dikes.

CEM 550 Earthquake Engineering (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Deprem Mühendisliği)
Fundamentals of structural dynamics and earthquake engineering. Free and forced vibration response of single-degree-of-freedom systems, continuous systems and multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Modal analysis techniques for multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Earthquake mechanisms, attenuation relationships, response spectrum and local site effects. Earthquake protective systems such as base isolators and dampers. Turkish and international earthquake resistant design codes.

CEM 551 Seismic Rehabilitation of Historical Structures (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Tarihi Yapıların Sismik Rehabilitasyonu)  
Concepts and guidelines for the assesment of historical structures.  Review of past and recent conservation strategies.  Evaluation methods of structural parameteres through non-destrcutive techniques as applied to different types of historical constructions. Ambient vibration experiments.  Modeling and linear/nonlinear methods of analysis. Traditional and innovative intervention techniques for rehabilitation and strengthening. Importance of reversible mixed technologies.  Management strategies for the protection of cultural heritage.  Structural health monitoring and quality control.  Best practice examples.

CEM 552 Smart Structures (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7 
(Akıllı Yapılar)
Demands on structural performance in the 21st century. Modeling the dynamic response of structures. Field testing and data collection. Analysis of random data. Vibration control with passive and active systems. System identification. Model updating. Long term structural health monitoring.

CEM 553 Building Physics    (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7 
(Bina Fiziği)
The essential standards and bylaws for achieving safe, economical, comfortable, durable and aesthetically pleasing buildings. Lessons to be learned from the past earthquakes and the essentials of safe design within the framework of the new Turkish Earthquake Code. Rules of safety and confinement against the risk of fire. Rules and regulations for achieving proper insulation for sound and water.

CEM 560 Design of Advanced Highway Systems (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7 
(İleri Karayolu Sistemlerinin Tasarımı)
Freeway and interchange design, historical perspective. Capacity analysis of freeways, weaving areas and ramps.  Freeway design. Interchange selection and design. At-grade intersection design.  Safety design principles. Roadside Safety and design.  Design of traffic barriers, crush cushions and other safety furnitures of highways. Introduction to design softwares and various design aids.

CEM 561 Urban Transportation and Logistics Planning (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7 
(Kent Ulaşım ve Lojistik Planlaması)
Transportation demand theory. Introduction to various approaches to transportation planning.  Differences between person and freight transportation. Classical approach to transportation planning and modeling for personal travel: trip generation, trip distribution, modal-split and traffic assignment techniques and models.  Trip generation of logistic focal points. Analysis of the effects of logistic systems on urban transportation. Approaches to freight transportation Modeling. Quick-response methods for person and freight transportation. Introduction to transportation planning softwares.

CEM 562 Advanced Traffic Engineering (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7 
(İleri Trafik Mühendisliği)
Emerging issues in traffic engineering. Traffic stream parameters. Intersection signalization and capacity analysis. Actuated control and detection. Signal coordination and optimization. Methods for dealing with freeway and arterial congestion. Arterial design and management. Traffic simulation. Accident studies and safety counter measures. Introduction of various traffic engineering softwares.

CEM 570 Sustainable Watershed Management(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7 
(Sürdürülebilir Havza Yönetimi)
Environmental problems such as habitat loss, water contamination, dwindling of freshwater supplies, desertification, urbanization, point and non point source pollution, ecosystem impairment in watersheds from where potable water is supplied to communities. Measurements against pollution, management in terms of legal and technical aspects,  public contribution, pollution scenarios by mathematical models for future sustainable management. Environmental impact assessment regarding sustainable watershed management.

CEM 571 Environmental Impact Assessment  (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme)
Regulatory framework review for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) requirements as well as ESIA (environmental and social impact assessments based on IFC requirements. Scoping, Baseline Surveys, Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures, Discussions on Stakeholder Engagement Process. Case Studies for large infrastructure projects

CEM 577 Directed Readings (0+4+0) 0 ECTS 2 Pass/Fail
(Yönlendirilmiş Okumalar)
 Readings in the field of Construction Engineering and Management, supervised by faculty.

CEM 578 Guided Research (1+2+0) 1 ECTS 3
(Yönlendirilmiş Araştırmalar)
Research in the field of Construction Engineering and Management, supervised by faculty.

CEM 581 Project (0+4+0) 0 ECTS 9 Pass/Fail
Project under the supervision of a faculty member for the application of advanced technologies and management techniques for real-life problems. Progress reports, final report and a public presentation will be expected.
Prerequisite: CEM 577
Co-requisite: CEM 578

CEM 590-599 Special Topics in Construction Engineering and Management (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7 
(Yapım Mühendisliği ve Yönetiminde Özel Konular)
New courses related to various topics and problems associated with the new developments in Construction Engineering and Management.

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