Yakıt ve Enerji Teknolojileri Programı

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi


Genel Bilgiler

The main objective of the program is to offer graduate level education providing state-of-the-art methods, approaches and competencies to engineers who aim to play leading roles in the rapidly expanding fuel and energy sector. The program is structured to include topics on the efficient conversion and utilization of conventional resources such as petroleum, coal and natural gas as well as new and clean energy sources like hydrogen and biomass. The FET program aims to meet the qualified technical staff requirements of the fast growing energy sector of Turkey and to provide competent professionals (or leading roles in the petroleum industry where investments ate expected to expand in the neat future as Turkey becomes a major energy corridor. In this context, the program also aims to play a leading role in the development of other energy related programs at Boğaziçi University and in the establishment of collaborations between programs.


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